Death becomes him

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Daemon and Shaera laid asleep, the warm atmosphere in their chambers until a breeze entered when the door opened and in ran their children. Rodrik and Visenya jumped up on the bed whilst Alyssa, Aemma and Baelon stood at the foot of it. The loving aura in that room was a great contrast to the inner turmoil happening in Queen Alicent's mind. Viserys had succumbed to his wounds, the king was dead. Her distressed state could be seen as she began pacing in her stead, her nail beds damaged and bleeding from where she picked at the skin. Her mind filled with thoughts of the upcoming danger should she put Aegon on the throne. Was facing the wrathful fury of Rhaenyra and her supporters worth usurping the throne?

Viserys' decayed hand hovered on the air as Alicent climbed onto the bed to give him his milk of the poppy before he rambled. Viserys thought it was Rhaenyra, his pride and joy but Alicent mistook his words of Aegon the conquerors dream to be about her son.
Alicent wanted to delay telling anybody of Viserys' death until the others left. The Queen walked rapidly to lock the door of Rhaenys' chamber who had delayed her departure until Shaera and her family left. Alicent tried her best to quell her irratic behavior when the rest joined for breakfast. Shaera and Daemon sat hand in hand surrounded by their children, bright smiles on their faces until they were met with the dreary silence of the greens which was shortly interrupted when Rhaenyra, Harwin and their sons entered.

"My queen, might I ask if you are alright? You look quite pale", Shaera asked. Alicent looked up at the woman, she had greatly respected her but she knew nobody would ever come close to how Shaera loved her children and Rhaenyra; Alicent could not allow Shaera to see through her plans, she just needed to get through until they left to Dragonstone.

"Yes, I am quite well thank you".

Everyone sat in eerie silence eating the food prepared for them. Alicent looked distant to all sat at the table, her eyes drifted to Rhaenyra every so often. She longed for love that Rhaenyra and Harwin shared, Alicent had only ever known what was taken from her when she married Viserys. After breakfast, everyone retired to their own chambers. Alicent however met with Otto for guidance.

"Father, I do not know what I am to do",

"Alicent, I do not-".

"The king is dead. I-i do not  know what to do",

"We must act when those retched people have gone. We must hold a small council meeting to discuss what is to be done going forth".

"I bound Rhaenys in her room, surely if Shaera knew she would know something is wrong. I fear the truth is to be found, the longer they stay here is wasted time for us to have the advantage",

"Your fears are not ill warranted my daughter but you mustn't let them overrule your sons birthright. Aegon will be king because he is the first born son of the king. Rhaenyra should not be queen, if she ascends the throne it will be because we will be dead at the hands of her brutish aunt and uncle, and even then the people of the realm would turn against her".

"I would not be so sure but I know that Rhaenyra would not kill us without probable cause",

"Rhaenyra may not but Daemon and Shaera would. We must do as you have, nobody must know of the kings death or Rhaenys' imprisonment until they have retreated to Dragonstone".

"Yes, father".

Alicent may have been the queen but she wasn't always, in some way she felt she had lost who she was. Alicent had lost the young lady she was, forced into the role of a queen by her fathers greed for Hightower blood on the throne. Her actions could not be excused but she did not see the manipulation enforced on her. Her downfall began long before the rest and yet she outlived many around her.

When going to the Dragonpit to fetch Aethalrax, Shaera felt another presence further away. Her dragon protectively stood infront of her when another dragon revealed itself. Meleys. If Meleys was there, that could only mean one thing; Rhaenys did not leave as intended. Alyssa and Aemma went to find their mother to inform her of their departure but stopped confused when seeing the red dragon.

"Mother, father says we are ready to leave", Aemma claimed.

"Actually he said he can't wait to leave this shithole for it could never compare to Dragonstone", Alyssa added proudly.

"Dragonstone has always been his favourite. Now girls, I want you to tell your father and Nyra that they must go to Dragonstone now", Shaera proclaimed.

"Are you not coming with us?",

"I shall meet you there but for now I must stay here and figure out what is happening. If Meleys is here then so must Rhaenys, I will find her then return. I promise, my darlings. I love you",

"We love you mother". Their voices in sync as they ran to tell Daemon. Shaera re-entered the castle through Maegor's passages that Daemon had showed her, she found Rhaenys speaking with Alicent.

"Ring the bell once you have an answer".

"Well she has fallen further than I thought",

"Shaera? I thought u would be half way to Dragonstone by now".

"I saw Meleys and came to find you. We must go before she comes back for your answer",

"Shaera, Viserys is dead. She came to persuade me to show loyalty to Aegon's claim to the throne".

"Filandering bastards! He is dead but a day and they already seek to usurp the throne. I will not allow this, we must show them their consequences of what they attempt to do",

"How so?".

"I have an idea but it is rather dire",

"Shaera, what is your plan?". 

They entered the tunnels together to reach their dragons whilst Aegon's coronation occurred. The two women walked with their heads bowed to avoid dust until they reached their dragons. Then they burst through the floor, rocks flew everywhere as the dust cleared up. A frightened look dawned on Alicent's face as she stood infront of Aegon. Aethalrax walked forward to reveal Rhaenys and Meleys flying away to inform Rhaenyra; Alicent knew her plan had not succeeded if Shaera remained. Aethalrax let out a gutteral screech, the floor shook as Shaera watched the greens from above before Aethalrax went even closer to Aegon and Alicent standing on a few spectators of the coronation.

"You are no king! Rhaenyra is and always has been the rightful named heir. You who support a usurping fool are nothing but traitors and you will die for it", Shaera exclaimed before Aethalrax withdrew, the large dragon retreating form was watched by all in attendance; the entire population of Kings Landing attended. Their faces fell when they saw vibrant blue flamed engulf their homes, a thick black smoke erupted from the destroyed buildings. Shaera knew that she could not burn the greens without destroying the dragon pit that housed dragons who did no wrong  and it was Rhaenyra's decision. Shaera and Aethalrax flew to Dragonstone, she walked inside to the meeting room. The painted table illuminated the room as she approached, bowing her head to the new queen. Rhaenyra stood tall,  the crown sat upon her head as a battle strategy was made. The greens would pay for what they had done.

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