Given your past, I should have known better

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The next morning, Shaera dwelled on what happened with Nettles. She tried to stay by Rhaenyra's side, Alyssa noticed her mother's odd behaviour. Shaera had been in a sour mood after she hadn't received any more ravens from Daemon after she sent one detailing the arrival of the dragonseeds.

The ships carrying Viserys and Lyonel were captured. Viserys was able to escape on is dragon unlike Lyonel who was taken and held in Lys. When Viserys got to Dragonstone, Jace wanted to get back his brother and so flew on Vermax, followed by the dragonseeds. Vermax flew too low and crashed into the sea, Jacaerys thought he would be safe but was struck down by arrows. His body was lost to the salty sea like Lucerys, he didn't want to leave Rhaenyra and Harwin to their grief but felt content that he was with his little brother once more.

The dragonseeds entered the room to tell Rhaenyra of Jace's death, another one of her boys lost to the cruelty of greens. Rhaenyra was slowly losing her will to act rationally. Shaera maze sure her niece was never left alone. Aemond knew Daemon would be a large threat and so he and Criston travelled to the Riverlands. However, Daemon knew of their plans and had left Harrenhal in favour of going South, the greens thought they were victorious after their march. Harwin went to Dragonstone and told Rhaenyra of Daemon's plan.

Rhaenyra decided to utilise the dragons after Jace's death.

"Nyra, what have you decided?",

"I am going to use the dragons, I fear losing anybody else. I am going to King's Landing and showing the greens what they have cost me".


"No? I am the queen, you cannot deny me".

"You may be the queen but I am your aunt and the closest thing you have had to a mother since my sister died and I am telling you no. I will not allow you to put yourself in danger. I will go on Aethalrax, I have lived a life and you deserve the chance to do the same",

"Are you sure this is not about asking uncle Daemon about a certain girl?".

"This is about your safety but also yes, I will ask him about her because she is getting on my nerves with her riddled words",

"I cannot just sit here doing nothing".

"You won't be doing nothing, you will be creating multiple contingency plans in case something goes wrong",


"We want to come with you", Baelon exclaimed.

"You can't".

"Why? We want to make sure you are safe and we have missed father", Alyssa added.

"I am your mother, tis I that makes sure you all are safe not the other way round",

"I can't let anything happen to you or father like when I was at Storms end, not like when-", Aemma stated.

"Nothing of the sort will happen, I will find your father and we will both come back to you".

Shaera changed into riding gear despite never usually feeling the need to. She mounted Aethalrax and flew to King's Landing, Caraxes let out his roar of recognition when the blue glow of Aethalrax's wings came into view. Daemon turned to see his wife, he had missed her greatly. Corlys' ships sailed the Blackwater bay. King's Landing fell quickly, the city was in panic. Daemon and Shaera atop their dragons frightened the people. Alicent attempted to send riders to get Aemond back but was stopped by the gold cloaks who remained loyal to Daemon. Alicent ordered her forces to surrender after the gates fell to the blacks army, she was then captured. Aegon, Jahaera and Maelor escaped with the help of Larys Strong, leaving the Iron throne for the taking.

Shaera sent a raven to Rhaenyra who travelled on Syrax to King's Landing. Joffrey, Viserys and Lyonel were brought to King's Landin whilst Rodrik and Visenya were taken to Dragonstone to be with their older siblings. To their pleasure, Daemon and Shaera executed Otto Hightower. Rhaenyra entered the Red keep, seizing the Iron throne for herself. She cut herself much like Viserys did when he sat the throne, rumours spiralled that the myth that the throne rejected people was not a myth. The people of the city accepted Rhaenyra at first but slowly started to lose faith on her, raised taxes and daily executions caused people to loathe her. Rhaenyra was fashioned as Maegor with teats. Shaera hated the notion of all the death but said nothing, she would be loyal to Rhaenyra for as long as she would live.

Rhaenyra factioned plans against Aemond and Daeron, Alicent attempted to create peace by offering that Rhaenyra and Aegon rules their respective lands. Rhaenyra rejected the offer.

"He stole my birthright and ensured the death of my sons. My boys. He cannot be allowed such power if any. You will bend the knee to me, the rightful queen or you will die as your father did".

Whilst the plans were being made to apprehend Aemond and Criston, Shaera approached Daemon. She walked up to him and slapped him across the face, his neck snapped to the side.

"Who is she?",


"Do not act as if you do not know what I am talking about! Nettles, who is she? Did you fuck her? Are you going to leave me for her?",

"No, I would never. When I   fought the war in the Stepstones, I found a girl. She said her name was Netty, she helped me when  I was injured and so I helped her by claiming her".

She raised her hand again but he caught it, holding her in place.

"Claimed her? Claimed her how!",

"I told every man that I was fucking her, that she was mine, so that they would not force themselves on her".

"Do you really expect me to believe that nothing happened! She told me of what you said to her about me",

"Something would have happened if I had not stopped it. I stopped because my mind was flooded with you, I could not get you out of my head".

"How can I believe you",

"I would never lie to you my flame, I love you".


Daemon dropped to his knees infront of her.

"You must believe me, I would never leave you and our children",

"I believe you, my love. I am sorry for doubting you".

Shaera pulled him from his knees and kissed him deeply.

"I have an idea but you may not like it",

"What is it, my flame".

"We must go to Rhaenyra. If people heard of the rumours about you and Nettles they may believe you are still unfaithful and that you left me for her".

The two entered hand in hand, everybody in the room looked up at them.

"I have a plan but it involves the new dragon riders, specifically Nettles",

"Aunt Shaera, are you sure?".

"No but it is what is necessary",

"When she arrives what is to be done?", one of the advisors asked.

"Daemon and Nettles will take residence in Maidenpool and search for Vhagar and Aemond who we know have burned many of our lands. Whilst Addam and myself aid the riverlords by stopping Criston's army",

"If you believe it will be successful then we shall do it".

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