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Aemma waited until everybody was asleep before she got up, she began to write multiple letters. One to her parents  one for Rhaenyra, one for Baelon and the final for Alyssa. Her twin was the hardest to say goodbye to, they entered the world together and now Alyssa would be left withour her.

Once the letters were complete, she layed them out on her bed. She tugged on her riding clothes and hid a dagger on her person, Aemma wanted to put an end to what she still believed to be her fault. She would kill Aemond, for everything he has done. Her guilt had been eating away at her for so long that she could no longer ignore it, she couldn't pretend it hadn't been lingering and that had hadn't hid her feelings from everybody she loved. It broke her heart knowing she may never see her family again but at least their biggest threat would be neutralised.

She entered the passage from her room, she wanted to see them all one last time. Aemma stopped by her younger siblings room first, she kissed them both softly on the forehead before retreating and going to Baelon's room, she stiffled a laugh at the way he slept. He slept on his stomach with his head resting on the pillows, deep snores left his mouth. She then went to Alyssa's room, Aemma took off one of her rings. She had never not worn the ring, it was the same style as Alyssa's just a different colour. The gold band encircled a black stone on Aemma's and a red stone on Alyssa's, they were a gift from their father on their nameday. She placed the ring on Alyssa's bedside table, her eyes watered looking down at her twin. She felt a pain in her chest at knowing she would never see any of her family again. Finally, she went to her parents room. They were going to be the hardest to leave. All she wanted was to feel their embrace, she craved everything she experienced in her life.

When Aemma heard talking, she froze. Daemon and Shaera were in fact not asleep but were discussing what was to happen. Knowing she couldn't risk getting caught, Aemma continued on through the tunnels until she came out to the backstairway of the keep. She ran as fast to find Vermithor. The bronze fury was agitated at the state of Aemma's irregular breathing but obeyed her as she mounted him, they flew high into the dark sky. She always found the dark scary in her youth, her nightmares often had something lurking in the dark. Shaera would often tell her stories to distract her so that she didn't focus on what hid in the darkness but what the darkness allowed her to see like the stars and the moon. Aemma arrived at Harrenhal, she was greeted by shocked guards who immediately rushed to fetch Harwin, who had stayed after Daemon left.

In Kings Landing...

Daemon and Shaera laid in bed, he had his hand caressing her thigh. Between his firm grip and the veins that ran up his hand had Shaera desperate for more than the simple touch he was giving her.

"Why are you so worried, my flame?",

"Why are you not worried? I keep having a strange feeling that something is going to happen, I cannot stop this chill that runs deep in my bones".

"You must calm yourself, you are being overly dramatic". Daemon rolled his eyes. Shaera grabbed his earlobe and pulled his head towards her before letting go.

"Do not tell me I am dramatic, do not ignore what I am trying to tell you. I do not know what but something is going to happen, I feel as though something is about to change",

"We will deal with it when it happens, for now you must stop worrying".

Shaera huffed at his words. She liked to plan out details and know everything before doing anything, unlike Daemon who acted on impulse. Daemon heavily disliked Shaera's response to his words, he wanted nothing more than to teach her a lesson. He sat up before pulling her to sit up with him.

"What are you doing?",

"Shh, my flame". Daemon moved her hair over her right shoulder. His hands then went to her shoulders, applying slight pressure to relieve the tension in her back. Whilst his hands continued to work out all the knots in her shoulders, his lips went to the back of her neck and slowly kissed between her shoulder blades. He felt Shaera lean back slightly into his body, he pulled his mouth away before moving his hands down her back. He applied more pressure that made her arche her back and let out a breathy moan. Shaera tried to turn to face him but Daemon moved to wrap one of his arms around her front and pulled her closer to him until she was sitting on his lap. The arm that was trapped her to him moved as he slid his fingers down the valley of her breasts to her belly button. Daemon retracted his hand before he touched her where she truly wanted him to and wrapped his arm around her once more so she couldn't move.  Shaera tried to look at him but she was still facing away from him with no way of moving.

"Beg for it",

"Please", Shaera begged. Normally she would rather die than plead for a man's attention but she had been deprived of his touch for weeks. She heard Daemon's voice from behind.

"You can do better than that. Beg, on your knees".

Suddenly, he moved his arm again and moved Shaera off his lap gently. She got down on her knees on the floor, she adjusted her nightdress so her hands could rest on her bare thighs.

"Please Daemon. Please fuck me, I know you want to just as much I want it. Please". She whimpered when his hand was on her throat. He was now sat at the edge of the bed, Shaera slowly shuffled closer to him. Daemon looked down at her on her knees, he was trying to maintain his composure but lost it when Shaera looked up at him with a lust filled gaze. She placed finger in his waistband before pulling his trousers down to his ankles. She was willing to grant him control over her body, he grabbed her hand and wrapped it around his hard cock. He controlled her movements as he used her hand to pleasure himself, he groaned deeply when he released into her hand. He beckoned Shaera to lick her fingers clean before she latched her tongue around his cock, ensuring to get every last drop before swallowing. She pulled away to look at him, his cock hardened again when he used his finger and swiped his essence off of her mouth and pushed it between her lips. Shaera maintained eye contact with him as she sucked on his finger, she felt herself getting more aroused by the second. She clenched her thighs at the pulsing sensation she felt between them.

Daemon pulled his finger out of her mouth and picked her up, laying her on the bed. He carressed her now red knees before entering her, he thrusted his cock inside her. She moaned his name loudly as he fucked her relentlessly. The snapping of his hips against hers drove her to her peak. She came against him, milking his cock with her essence. Her hands trailed down his back as they admired each other, he soon rested his head against her neck kissing the slender skin before pulling out. They wanted to savour each other, ravish each other whilst they still could. The two made sure to clean themselves properly before going to sleep, he pulled her figure against his. Daemon wanted to memorise the feeling of her being close to him, they would die for each other and could at any given moment. They wanted their potential final memories to be free of sorrow in case on of them didn't survive.

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