The butchers ball

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The dragonseeds flew to the Red keep and were informed of the plan. Daemon and Nettles travelled on Caraxes and Sheepstealer whilst Addam and Shaera went on Seasmoke and Aethalrax. Whilst the search for Vhagar was not working, Shaera and Addam were able to burn Criston's army. Shaera dismounted Aethalrax and marched to Criston who lay injured but still alive. She found his sword in the wreckage and put it to his neck.

"I respected you once, how could you have fallen so far?",

"She ruined me, I sullied my white cloak and could not repudiate my conscience".

"No, you didn't want the guilt of taking the princess' maidenhead on your hands and when she refused to marry somebody so weak that you grew bitter. You didn't care for Rhaenyra, you are no more than an insolent child pretending to have power".

"I am hand of the king",

"Aegon is no king, both of you have false power that you exploit to suit yourself instead of the realm".

Shaera raised his sword in the air and brought it down on his head. His skull split in half as blood oozed from the sever, the surviving green soldiers dropped to their knees afraid of her. Addam watched from beside her as the soldiers begged for their lives. Aethalrax landed infront of Shaera who pulled the sword from Criston's head and wiped the blood on his cloak before sheathing it.

"The greens will retaliate for this",

"So let them. I stand by my choice to not kill innocents but the greens must pay for all they have taken from my niece".

"I always admired your protection towards her",

"What do you mean?".

"I know it has been many years but have you truly forgotten me dear friend?".

Shaera looked at him, she studied his face confused until she finally understood.



She hugged him tightly before shoving his shoulder.

"Where have you been!",

"On the eve of my death, Rhaenyra and I conversed. We both wanted the best for our boys and Ser Harwin was the best for them, I love them as my own but-".

"But he is their birth father",

"When I heard of Lucerys' death I knew it was time to return but I couldn't be my old self after my supposed death, so I created a new identity".

"What about your father? Does he know of who you truly are?",

"I think a part of him has always known that I was still out their someplace but never spoke of it because of my mother and how Laena had just died. I felt like my heart had been torn from my chest hearing my mother scream but I had to leave for the children and Rhaenyra".

"You are not to blame, you did what you thought was best for your children and Rhaenyra. You loved her but not in the way either of you needed",

"Thank you, I kept telling myself that everybody would loath the decision but it was my choice".

"You are hard to hate, Laenor. I am truly sorry about your mother, she was one of my closest friends",

"I want to end this war for her and for the boys, they did not deserve the death that took them. I ask that you call me Addam still, it took me so long to get used to hearing it and Laenor Velaryon is still dead to everyone else".

When the soldiers tried rallying whatever strength they had, Shaera yelled dracarys to Aethalrax, whatever remained was left to ash. The vivid blue flames could be seen for miles. Shaera and Addam mounted their dragons before flying into the air. They returned to King's Landing to find that Daemon and Nettles had yet to return. Shaera was furious but she soon temporarily turned her anger towards Ormund Hightower and Daeron on Tessarion, who advanced against Kings Landing. In the midst of the slaughtering of Rhaenyra's loyalists, Maelor was caught up in the riot. He was trampled by men and women who seeked to claim him, they only saw the poor child as a bargaining chip into receiving a reward from the king. Daeron was vengeful at the death of another of his nephews that he burned Bitterbridge and ensured his niece, Jahaera's safety.

Rhaenyra sent Ulf white and Hugh Hammer to Tumbleton, they quickly overpowered House Footly declared for Rhaenyra. Although Rhaenyra had many supporters, the betrayal of the dragonseeds allowed the greens to conquer Tumbleton and Rhaenyra's  support in the reach. The streets of Tumbleton were sacked by the green soldiers who thought themselves victorious. When hearing of the defeat, Rhaenyra was outraged. Shaera had been wary of them from the beginning and now she knew she was rightly warranted to. When she heard from a guard that Alicent laughed at the blacks misfortune, she stormed to find the former queen leaning against the wall of the cell. Her auburn hair was matted, she was covered in mud.

"All they have sowed, now they shall reap", Alicent laughed like a lunatic. The time she spent in her cell, surrounded by the dirt led her to dwell on what could have been. The guard opened the cell door then locked it behind Shaera who walked into the cell. She grabbed Alicent by her hair and pulled it until the woman felt like it was detaching from her scalp.

"How dare you! If it weren't weren't you and your leach of a father, this could have been avoided. Your son was content to run away from what you said was his duty as the kings first born son and drink himself into an early grave but because he was finally given attention, he revelled in it and now you will all die for it",

"I do not ignore my faults but I did as I was bid. I hated watching you and Rhaenyra get everything you ever wanted whilst I was stuck in my life. Aegon is the king as it should be and now Rhaenyra will know what living your own nightmare is like".

Shaera hit the Hightower woman in the throat to silence the laughter, Alicent gasped for air as Shaera was let out of the cell and the door was locked once more.

"Make no mistake Alicent Hightower, I will kill you as I did Ser Criston. You will sit here wondering when the day comes that I cut off your head and parade it around Kings Landing whilst my husband does the same with your father's head" ,

"I do not doubt that you would kill me but you may struggle with the last part of your threat if your husband ever returns with that girl, what was her name again? Oh yes, Nettles I think it was".

Shaera sneered before walking out of the dungeons and into the council room. She noticed only Rhaenyra was there and so she picked up the pitcher of wine from the table and launched it at the wall away from herself and Rhaenyra. She scolded herself for doing something so childish after telling Daemon not to when they were at Dragonstone.

"Aunt Shaera?",

"Yes dearest?".

"I'm sorry",

"For what?".

"For uncle Daemon and her, if I had not have brought her here maybe he would have not left with her",

"You cannot blame yourself for his poor actions. If anything it is my fault for thinking he had changed and for trusting him to go with her to Maidenpool".

"Regardless, I am still sorry",

"You have nothing to be sorry for, my dear. I think it is that nobody could ever truly change, not even Daemon. I will always love him and it kills me that I was not enough for him but he will always be the other half of my soul".

"Do you think he will ever come back?",

"Yes but not for me, for our children".

Rhaenyra hugged Shaera, she sympathised for the woman who raised her. She hated seeing her aunt look so hopeless and dejected at the idea of losing her other half. After the sentimental moment, Rhaenyra decided to close and bar the gates of Kings Landing. The loyalty of the dragonseeds was questioned, Rhaenyra was informed of Addam's predicament but Rhaenyra still steadfast sent out a request for the arrest of Nettles who caused her aunt such despair.

Despite their victory at Tumbleton, the greens army soon fell apart due to being leaderless. The two betrayers were angry at being denied the power, land and titles they wanted. The dance of dragons was becoming more dire. 

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