unfair judgement

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Rhaenyra was a shell of her former self, losing Lucerys was the last straw. She wanted to be a queen that the seven Kingdoms needed but she was poisoned by her grief. She wanted to be lenient with her half siblings and former friend but nothing could be done to save them now. Harwin was there for her at all times, a truly good man in the sea of monsters that existed in Kings Landing.

Shaera and Daemon were plotting, hatching a plan to avenge Lucerys and put an end to the greens who ruined what was a seemingly good life. When Aemma was queen, the realm was stable and joyous; the lovable atmosphere was lost when Viserys married Alicent. Otto Hightower caused the chaos that would occur. Everybody always said the only thing that could tear down the house of the dragon was itself and now it became reality; family against family, blood against blood and fire against fire.

Everybody on Dragonstone wondered how Rhaenyra was staying strong for everybody else after the loss. They also wondered how Shaera and Daemon had maintained the same love, desire, lust and affection for each other after so long. The Rogue prince and the Realms desire would forever be spoken of in history; their story rivalled that of any to come.

Everyone bowed as Rhaenyra entered the room, her eyes stained with bloodshot. Her sleeplessness was evident, the toll of loosing her son was clear. Nobody could have prepared her for the feeling as though she had a piece of her heart and soul stolen from her.

"I apologise for my absence, what is the matter of discussion?", Rhaenyra asked in her stoic voice, the broken part of her lost in her serious tone.

"We were speaking of Prince Daemon's plan to avenge the Prince Lucerys' death. Your Grace", one of the advisors spoke up.

"And what of it? What is this plan you seem to not want to involve me in?".

"Nyra, we would not act without your word but we did not wish to burden you after such loss. Daemon and I have devised a plan to hire someone to infiltrate the greens and avenge Lucerys", Shaera explained.

"A son for a son", Daemon spoke as Rhaenyra looked up to her aunt and uncle.



"I said no. I want revenge for my son but I will not place blame on my sweet sister Helaena, it is her vile husband. Tis Aemond, Aegon, Otto and Alicent who must pay; they took my throne, my daughter and now my son. I will not let them take anymore from me, they must die but the children need not take blame for something they have no involvement in. I may be a grieving mother but I am also a queen",

"Very well-". Shaera began before being interrupted.

"You cannot be serious? They will not stop and neither will we. Every green and any of their supporters must die, we must show power by showing them what they brought on themselves", Daemon spoke harshly.

"I may agree that Lucerys must be avenged but do not interrupt me again, dear husband. You are starting to sound as if you speak of what everyone wants when you do not. Rhaenyra is our queen, we do as she wishes".

The attendees watched with caution as Daemon and Shaera stared deeply at each other, they were unsure of what was to come.

"On the contrary uncle, I do mean to act against those deserving. I will have their heads for all they have caused. I wish to hear more of your plan, surely you cannot only act as killing innocents",

"We have a weapon, we must utilise the dragons".

"The greens have dragons",

"Not as many as us". Shaera added.

"We have nine dragons. Three hatchlings and Seasmoke still resides on Driftmark".

(Team Black dragons: Aethalrax, Syrax, Caraxes,  Meleys, Moondancer, Vermithor, Silverwing, Tyraxes, Vermax. Rodrik, Visenya and Rhaena have their hatchlings: Onyx, Rhaegon and Morning).

"Only Caraxes is seasoned with battle, our dragons have no experience with war. We may have more but Vhagar is the biggest threat", Rhaenyra expressed.

"So we will further plan. We must use all assets to succeed, whether it be the dragons and our allies".

"Indeed. We must not stop. Every green must die except the innocents who played no intentional part in usurping the throne",

"As you wish, your grace", the room echoed. A spoken promise to support their queen. Shaera was proud of Rhaenyra, the once young girl was trying to fulfil what Viserys wanted. She was so much like Aemma but still had a raging fire to her.

Everyone dispersed to resume their activities whilst Daemon pulled Shaera into their chambers.

"Why must you undermine me, my flame?",

"Me? You are the one who interrupted me and blatantly disregarded my input when all I wish is for my niece to have her birthright".

"Do not lie and say this is about Rhaenyra. You have been spiteful in secret for years, admit it to yourself. I am the only one seeking victory, it may seem harsh but it is the only way we will win",

"It is not about winning nor victories. You are making it about yourself and your thirst for Otto Hightower's blood. I may despise the man but I am not letting my anger and want for the satisfaction of his death blind my judgement".

Daemon turned, walking further towards the window. He scoffed before turning back to her.

"Shaera you do not listen to what I am saying. We cannot live in peace with the greens still living",

"I am not saying we should compromise living with them, I am saying those who deserve to die should but not all. If we acted on your plan everyone would be burned, reduced to nothing but ash".

"You are being dramatic, like my brother you are weak. Incapable of doing what is necessary, I cannot bare your cowardice", Daemon sneered.

Shaera couldn't remember a time when Daemon referred to her by her name, he always called her my flame. She felt a crack in her heart when he looked at her with what seemed like hatred. With tears building up in her eyes, Shaera turned away walking over to the door.

"If I'm so weak and cowardly then I shall leave you to your own madness",

"What? Where are you going?".

"Away from you. I am going to see our children, maybe you will calm down by the evening and not insult me because I do not condone murder of thousands of people. I shall sleep in one of the guest chambers to give you time to come to your senses. You may be husband and I love you with every fibre of my being but now I see my love for you holds no bounds unlike yours".

With that she left, a tear streamed down her face before she wiped it away and straightened her face. She went to Rodrik and Visenya, they were growing bigger every time she saw them. Shaera felt bittersweet looking at her youngest children; she remembered when she told Aemma that she would never be married and have her own children because her heart belonged to another who was already married. Her sister always knew she meant Daemon but never said anything, the two were made for each other.

Harwin entered the room with Viserys and Lyonel. He stood silently seeing her stood there with a lost expression. He cleared his throat as she looked up to him.

"Are you alright Shaera?",

"Yes, I am fine. I just-".

"Do you want me to get Rhaenyra?",

"No, I don't wish to bother her. Do you know where my son or daughters are?".

"Baelon is with Jace and I think Aemma and Alyssa are with Baela and Rhaena",

"I wish they did not have to live in this life, they are being forced to grow up surrounded by death and violence. I didn't want this for them but that is the world we live in".

"I understand what you mean. I never thought I'd have the boys or Rhaenyra but I am grateful for them but nothing could prepare me for the heartache that came with this life",

"Insolence and depravity run in our family I suppose".

"You know when Joffrey was born, Rhaenyra said the same thing to me. I thought she was jesting",

"And yet we stay because we love and cherish the people we have. This family, the people we have are what we need to live a life in a world of pain".

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