Chapter 33

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The next few days I spent a lot of time with the older players in the team. I also packed my bags to get ready for the upcoming U-20 world cup. It was strange that I would be playing in such a major tournament, but I would have both Ona and Aitana there. Aitana had landed a role as captain, and I was so very proud of her. She deserved it more than anyone else.

"I'll drive you to the airport if you want" Alexia said the night before I needed to leave for Madrid. We had a camp to get ready for the tournament before the actual tournament. "That would be amazing Ale, will you come watch any of the games?" I asked her. "I'll come watch the knockout rounds if you want me to" she answered with a smile. "That would be lovely" I said, with an even bigger smile covering my face. Alexia mumbled out an answer before kissing me. We had been hanging out some more, and I really enjoyed her company.

When we both were free, we spent that time with each other. "When you get back from France I'll take you out to dinner" Alexia said. I was sprawled across her couch with my head in her lap. She was aimlessly running her fingers through my hair while we were both watching some rerun of Friends. "Where are we going then?" I asked and looked up at her. "That is a surprise, but I promise to make sure you enjoy it" she answered. "No matter where we go, I will enjoy it, because I get to spend time with you" I said. I heard how soppy it sounded as soon as the words left my mouth. "Getting soppy, are we?" Alexia said dryly. "Only for you" I responded with a smile.

When those words were said she leaned down and softly pecked my lips. That small kiss led to several more, and with every kiss they got more passionate. Still, we never got too far. I stopped her before we went any further than making out. It felt bad to do that and then leaving her for more than a month. It felt bad for me. I did not want to rush into anything.

"I'm sorry" I apologized. "Don't be sorry Isa. I'm happy to just sit here and watch something with you" Alexia said and pulled me in for a hug. She softly kissed my forehead and continued to watch the show. "I just don't want to rush into anything and then leave for more than a month" I confessed. When I said that Alexia grabbed my face and slowly brought it closer to hers. "It is understandable, but I hope it isn't because you are scared of me leaving you. I'll be here until you no longer want me" Alexia whispered. "That sounds great" I whispered back. After that I placed a small kiss on her lips.

I was still worried that she would leave me. However, all those worries disappeared with what she said next. "I promise that I will take you out when you return from France, and I will be there to watch as many of your games as possible. And you can call me whenever you want". She was way too good for me. "Then I'll probably call you too much" I said with a smile. "You can never call me too much" Alexia said before pecking my lips. Oh, how safe she made me feel.

I left her house quite early in the evening and drove home in my small green car. Back home nothing much happened. I packed the very last of the things I needed to bring, like my medication and some laundry I had done earlier in the day.

Ona called me in a hurry a bit later. She had no idea where her phone was, but I think she was stressed about us leaving. I think she was just as nervous as I was. We dealt with it in different ways, I made lists and unpacked my bag several times. Ona lost things that she knew were there, like the phone she was talking to me on. I spent the next thirty minutes talking to her and listening to her stress about everything.

The next morning Alexia picked me up early. She drove me there in silence. I was so very stressed about going to a major tournament. I have been before, like the U-17 Euros in 2015 when we won. "You will do amazing Isa, you start games in one of the best teams in the world and this will be no different. I have so much faith in you and your abilities" Alexia said. I had been fidgeting the entire way, and even though her hand was on my thigh the entire ride I was still nervous.

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