Chapter 57

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"What the fuck Isa!" Aitana yelled when she saw the ring. "I knew Alexia would propose, but that ring is gorgeous" she said and hugged me tight. I smiled as she embraced me. Alexia was still standing right beside me, not leaving my side at all. Her smile was one of pride. I knew how much she loved me, and she loved that our friends were happy for us. "She has good taste, doesn't she?" I said with a smile. Happiness radiated from me. That entire practice, all I did was smile and laugh. Not that I could join in with them. I did my own exercises on the side, just like I had done before. During our vacation I was forced to do my rehab, while Alexia could just relax.

The team's practice was done before mine, but Alexia waited. Her watchful eyes followed my every move, smiling as I ran around. My knee was tightly taped, to ensure that nothing else happened that could injure it further.

"You were amazing" Alexia said, wrapping her arms around me. Her hug was just as loving as they usually were. There was no place where I felt safer than in her arms. "I am showering at home. So, I am just as sweaty as you are" she continued with a smile. It was like she could read my mind. As always, I was worrying about making her sweaty if she had already showered, but apparently my worries were unnecessary. "I know you only did that to be able to shower with me. Which I don't know why you like, since you always shower cold, and I shower hot" I said as we walked. "There are other things that are worth the insane temperature that you shower in" she answered. I kissed her at that answer.

Alexia drove us home, with her hand resting high on my thigh. She kept her promise and we showered together. Not once did she complain about the temperature, even though her skin was red when she walked outside.

The same routine continued until late July when I was back in full training. Now, Alexia and I showered with everyone else at the training grounds.

We got home early one day. Training had been done before lunch, and we got back home after eating at a restaurant. We were not looking good. The sun was blazing from above, tomorrow we would go to the beach. An off day where we could relax during this busy and exhausting preseason.

"I just wanted to talk to you about something" Alexia said while she pulled me down onto our couch. Alexia herself, sat down in one of the armchairs and I knew that she wanted to talk about something serious. The worst possible outcomes filled my mind. What if she wants to break up with me? No, she couldn't do that, we had just gotten engaged and she was the one to propose. What if her mother or sister was sick? What if she was going to transfer to another team?

At least she grabbed my hand. Maybe she wanted to prepare me for what she was going to say. "I have been thinking. And I love you. I love you a lot. I want to have a family with you. Since we are both girls, it will take some time, but I thought we could do some research on it" Alexia said, and I felt my heartbeat slow down slightly. It was no longer beating like crazy. "We can do research, but I want to be back to playing before we do anything" I responded. It was true. I wanted to be back on the pitch before we decided on something. "Of course, Isa" Alexia said.

This was the end of our conversation, and I made my way towards her chair, sitting myself down in her lap. She wrapped her arms around me, kissing my neck softly. We sat like that for a long time, just cuddled up together.

"I know how important football is to you, so I could honestly be pregnant first" I confessed with a smile. The news had their time to sink in, and I was ready to talk about it.

We spent the rest of the night doing our research on pregnancy. I never thought this would be where I was at twenty-one, looking up how to get pregnant with my fiancé. This was the only place I wanted to be at. Cuddled up on an armchair, looking through our computer for our next step in life.

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