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Yashoda's hands were resting gently on her swollen belly. Her aged face was filled with a sense of wonder and disbelief as she thought about the miraculous child growing inside her. She was well past her prime, and yet here she was, pregnant with a child.

The room was bathed in a soft, ethereal glow, and Yashoda could feel the presence of something otherworldly surrounding her. She closed her eyes and let out a contented sigh, feeling a sense of peace and joy that she had never experienced before. As she sat lost in her thoughts, she couldn't help but marvel at the incredible turn her life had taken.

At one point she had lost all the hopes of ever becoming a mother. Yet the gods seemed to have shown her mercy. She felt a deep sense of gratitude and awe for the miracle that had been bestowed upon her. Despite her age, Yashoda felt a renewed sense of purpose and vitality coursing through her.

A similar pleasure was being felt by Devaki too in the dimly lit prison cell of Mathura which was filled with an aura of serenity as she sat peacefully on the cold stone floor. Her gentle smile radiated a sense of calm and inner peace, despite the dire circumstances surrounding her.

As she tenderly cradled her pregnant belly, she was filled with an overwhelming sense of love and warmth for the life growing within her. Just like how a lamp, when placed in a pot, makes it shine as well, similarly with the lord himself in her womb, Devaki was blazing in such a manner, that her glow was dispelling the darkness of the prison cell.

Beside her, Vasudev sat with a peaceful expression on his face, his eyes filled with a quiet determination and unwavering devotion to his wife and unborn child. The flickering torchlight casted a warm glow on his features, making him appear radiant like the sun.

Despite being imprisoned and facing the threat of their eighth child being killed by Kamsa, Devaki and Vasudev find solace in each other's presence.

Their unwavering faith in the divine plan and their deep love for each other filled the air with a sense of hope and tranquility. As they sit together in the stillness of the cell, they could feel an undeniable sense of divine presence surrounding them, reassuring them that they are not alone in their struggle.

In that moment, the couple sat together in silent communion, their hearts filled with love and devotion for the unborn child who would one day bring light and salvation to the world.

As if in perfect harmony, the very earth itself appeared to join in the celebration, adorned with a vibrant tapestry of lush greenery that blanketed her lands. Magnificent flowers burst forth in a kaleidoscope of colors, their petals unfurling in a perpetual symphony of beauty. Even the creatures of the air and the beasts of the land seemed to dance with joy, their spirits uplifted by the imminent arrival of this blessed child.

It was a moment of divine significance, where the weight of the world seemed to fade into insignificance, and the promise of a brighter future hung palpably in the air. The anticipation was electric, as if the very universe held its breath, awaiting the emergence of this chosen one who would bring forth salvation and illuminate the darkest corners of existence.

The only one who was not happy was evil Kamsa who was being plagued with terrible dreams of his inevitable demise.



HARIHARESHWARI 15 : Namami Braj NayakamWhere stories live. Discover now