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The air was filled with the haunting sound of mothers wailing, their cries echoing through the narrow streets and into the open courtyards. The grief-stricken women huddled together in their homes, their anguished sobs mingling with the mournful wails of their neighbors.

In one small, humble dwelling, a mother knelt on the hard-packed earth, her hands clutching at her chest as she rocked back and forth, her sobs tearing through the silence of the night. Her newborn baby lay motionless in her arms, the tiny life snuffed out by the cruel hand of Putana.

Outside, in the dimly lit courtyard, another mother stood with her arms outstretched, her anguished cries rising up to the heavens.

"O Vishnu ! O Hari !" She sobbed.

Her neighbors gathered around her, their faces etched with sorrow as they tried to offer comfort to the grieving woman.

In the narrow streets, the sound of wailing was joined by the mournful cries of other mothers, their hearts shattered by the loss of their precious newborns. The air was heavy with the weight of their collective sorrow, a palpable sense of grief that hung like a shroud over Mathura and its villages.

Causing devastation to all the parents in the kingdom, Putana flew through the air, as she made her way to Gokul.

"Kya tumne Nandlal ko dekha ?"

"Ha. Mujhe toh woh divya lagta hai !"

She heard the whispers of the villagers below. Intrigued, Putana landed on the outskirts of the village, her eyes gleaming with anticipation as she hid behind a large tree, listening intently to their conversation.

"Vichitra akarshan hai, Yashoda ke putra mei."

"Satyavachan... Jab se use dekha hai, mera aur kahi man hi nahi lagta."

She listened intently as the villagers spoke in hushed tones about the newborn, their voices brimming with awe and admiration. A sinister grin slowly crept across Putana's lips, for she had just stumbled upon her next unsuspecting victim.

However, she was acutely aware of the need for caution in this treacherous game. If the villagers were to catch a glimpse of her true form, they would surely stand in her way. She knew she needed a disguise, a facade so enchanting that no one would dare question her true intentions.

With a flash of malevolent energy, Putana transformed herself into a stunningly beautiful woman, her dark intentions hidden beneath an enchanting facade. As she made her way towards Nand's home, the villagers couldn't help but be captivated by her otherworldly beauty, flowers adorned long braid that swayed left and right around her thin waist, resplendent garments rested over her curvaceous figure.

As she walked, her golden earrings dangled reflecting the sunlight, casting them on her face over which a sweet looking smile danced upon. In her delicate hands, she cradled a lotus, its petals exuding an ethereal beauty. Even the Gopis themselves appeared entranced, for she resembled Mata Lakshmi herself, descending to reunite with her beloved husband.

Everyone looked completely entranced by her, completely unaware of the danger that lurked beneath her alluring exterior. The air hummed with an eerie energy as Putana approached Nand's home, her eyes glinting with anticipation.

As she crossed the threshold, all the maidens turned their heads towards her, their eyes filled with curiosity and anticipation. Yet, her unwavering gaze remained locked on the bed where Nandlal, the center of their universe, lay in repose.

The moment the son of Yashoda looked at her, being the soul that presides everyone, he instantly came to know who she was. Without hesitation, he swiftly shut his eyes, for she embodied avidya, the embodiment of ignorance. In his presence, avidya ceased to exist. If his gaze were to extinguish her now, how could his divine leela unfold ?

"Kaun hai aap ?" Yashoda asked, astonished seeing such a beautiful lady.

Putana looked at her, and in a sweet voice she said, "Mai swargnivasini hu. Mera stanpaan kar, aapka putra dirghayu aur atyant shaktishaali ho jaayega."

Saying so she made her way to the bed where the newborn son was. As she gazed at him, Putana couldn't help but sense that there was something extraordinary about him. Unlike the countless innocent infants who had fallen victim to her wicked hands, this child possessed a divine aura that was undeniable.

Putana thought, 'Kadachit yahi Maharaj Kamsa ka kaal hai.'

A sinister smile crept across her lips as she contemplated the idea of finally putting an end to this child's life, thus relieving Kamsa of his incessant fear. And just like how a person senselessly picks up a snake instead of a rope, Putana picked up the incarnation of Narayan.

Rohini and Yashoda, were so enchanted by her beauty and radiance, that they didn't stop her and watched silently as she took the newborn with her to the backside.

Making sure that no one was around, Putana sat down on the threshold, with a gentle touch, she coaxed him to her breast, feeding her poisonous and indigestible milk to him.

As the incarnation of Narayan began to suckle, Rakshashi felt a surge of delight, her eyes narrowing in satisfaction, satisfaction of feeding the lord of all.

But as the moments passed, a sudden realization washed over her. The pain that began to gnaw at her insides was unlike anything she had ever experienced.

It started as a subtle discomfort, but quickly escalated into a searing agony that coursed through every fiber of her being. Her once-beautiful features contorted in agony as she struggled to pull away from the infant, but the divine infant held fast, his divine nature allowing him to draw not only the toxic milk but also the life force of Putana.

With each gulp, he drained her of her dark power, leaving her weakened and gasping for breath.

"C-Chhod ! Chhod mujhe !" She shouted.

In a desperate attempt to escape the excruciating torment, Putana staggered away from the child, her body trembling with the effort to flee. But it was futile.

"Chhod de ! AB BAS KAR !" She cried in agony, hitting her hands and feet on the ground.

Her entire body became drenched with sweat. Her screams her terrifying to all those who heard it, it shook the tallest of mountains and reverberated throughout the earth and the solar system.

The unbearable pain in her breast, forced her to drop her disguise and come back to her original malevolent form. Seeing this Yashoda and Rohini panicked and rushed to get their child from them.

However, the Rakshashi got on her feet and frantically ran, losing her mind. And just like how Vritr fell down after being struck by the Vajra of Indra, Putana fell down in a field, crushing the trees within 6 kosh.

As life was finally drained from her, her mouth burst open and her red hair got scattered, while arms and legs spread apart.

The villagers gathered around and got scared seeing Putana lying dead. Her body was terrible, her mouth was full of sharp and fierce tusks like light. Her nostrils were as deep as a mountain cave and her breasts were as big as rocks fallen from a mountain, and eyes as deep as the well.

Seeing that body of Putna, all the cowherds and gopis got scared. Hearing her fierce scream their hearts, ears and heads were already bursting.

When the Gopis saw that the child of Yashoda was playing fearlessly on his chest, then with great nervousness and haste they immediately reached there and picked him up.

As they brought it down, Yashoda rushed to them, and quickly took her son back in her own arms, tears streaming down her face as kissed his face repeatedly, sighing in relief and thanking gods that her child was safe and sound.

"Bhagwaan ki kripa hai, jo Nandlal ko kuch nahi huya." The villagers said.


Narayan ne Bali Raja ki putri Ratnabala ki dono iccha purn ki jo unhone Vaman avatar ke samaye maangi thi. 😁🙏

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