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Much to Devaki's relief, Vasudev returned back safely with the daughter of Nand. As he set foot inside his desolate prison cell, the heavy gates ominously swung shut, the locks snapping shut with a resounding finality. The shackles swiftly reattached themselves to his weary feet.

In a sudden twist of fate, the girl, barely a moment later, opened her eyes and unleashed a piercing wail that reverberated through the air, resolute and unyielding.

The sound of her cries shattered the trance-like state of the guards, jolting them back to reality. Their eyes widened as they beheld the precious child cradled in Vasudev's arms, a sight that propelled them into immediate action.

Driven by fear, the guards hastened towards Kamsa, their footsteps echoing with urgency.


Kamsa woke up with a jolt once again, this night had plagued him with endless nightmares, making it impossible for him to catch even a minute of sleep. The room was filled with his ragged breathing and the sound of the storm outside.

Suddenly there was a knock on the door, Kamsa flinched at first hearing it.

"K-Kaun ?" He asked.

"Anakdundubhi, Rajan." A masculine voice from outside replied.

"Iss samaye kyu aaye ho ?" Kamsa asked.

"Rajan.... Devaki ne aathve santaan ko janm de diya hai." Anakdundubhi informed.

Listening to that Kamsa blood ran cold, as fear clutched his heart. His kaal has been born. Beads of sweat rolled down his face which had an expression of sheer terror.

"Rajan ?" Anakdundubhi's voice brought him to senses.

Kamsa leaped out of his bed hastily, quickly grabbing the his sword and heading outside as he tied it around his waist.

"Sabhi sainik mere saath chalo !" He ordered and guards followed him.

Kamsa's heart raced with every step, his mind plagued by thoughts of the child who could bring about his demise.

"Maharaj !" The guards rushed to Kamsa's aid as he tripped and fell down on the ground.

Kamsa stood back to his feet and set out for the prison house where Devaki and Vasudeva were being held. He stumbled some more and fell several times, the anxiety and urgency driving him forward despite the treacherous conditions.

As they reached the prison house, Kamsa's breath came in ragged gasps, his chest heaving with panic. Finally, they reached the cell where Devaki and Vasudeva were kept. Kamsa's eyes bore into Devaki, the fear, anger and desperation evident in his gaze.

"Usne janm le liya ! Laao use mujhe do !" Kamsa yelled as a guard unlocked the door and he stepped inside.

Devaki clutched the small baby in her arms, hiding her from the gaze of her wicked brother, "Putri huyi hai bhaiya. Yeh aathva putra nahi hai !"

Kamsa, upon seeing the infant girl, was overcome with bewilderment. A flicker of relief momentarily danced within him, only to be swiftly extinguished by the undeniable truth that this was the eighth child of Devaki and Vasudev.

"Yeh abodh balika aapka kuch nahi bigaad sakti. Iss par toh daya kijiye !" Devaki sobbed.

"Jo bhi hai ! Hai toh yeh teri aathvi santaan !" Kamsa said.

He lunged towards Devaki, pushing her away and seizing the baby from her by the feet, he violently raised her.

"Kamsa !" Vasudev shouted at the tyrant whirled the baby around and flung her against a stone.

HARIHARESHWARI 15 : Namami Braj NayakamWhere stories live. Discover now