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"Krishna ne kya sujhaav diya tha."

"Ha. Govardhan ki puja kar, man ko alag hi shaanti mili hai."

"Kyuki humne puja uski ki jo humara poshan karta hai."


The cowherd folks sat together and praised Krishna and the Giriyagna, their faces illuminated by the warm glow of the evening light. Suddenly, the sky darkened ominously, the once gentle breeze turning into a howling wind. The Gopas looked up in fear as black clouds rolled in, covering the sun. Lightning crackled across the sky, casting eerie shadows on the ground. 

The air grew heavy and still, a sense of foreboding filling the atmosphere. And then, without warning, the heavens opened up, unleashing a torrential downpour upon the unsuspecting villagers.

Rain fell in sheets, pounding the earth with ferocious intensity. Thunder roared overhead, deafening and menacing, as if the gods themselves were expressing their wrath, and lightning streaked across the sky, illuminating the dark clouds with a fiery glow. The raindrops felt like icy needles against the skin, causing the Gopas to shiver in terror. The ground beneath them trembled, and the earth seemed to groan in protest.

The birds stopped flying and diverse types of animals started to flee. In every direction, mountainous clouds rumbled in the sky. The Gopas scrambled to find shelter, their cries of alarm drowned out by the deafening roar of the storm. The once serene landscape was now transformed into a scene of chaos and destruction, as the furious tempest raged on with relentless fury.

Because of that excessive rain, the earth became deformed. Because of the thickness of the clouds, the radiance of the planets and stars disappeared. Without the rays of the sun and the moon, everything was dark.

Everywhere, the earth overflowed with water. The peacocks called, but the other birds were silent. The rivers swelled and flowed downwards. The frogs were swept away in the flood. The clouds thundered and the rain roared. Because of that sound, the grass and trees trembled.

As the Gopas huddled together, their voices lost in the cacophony of the storm, they realized that this was no ordinary rain. This was Indra's fury unleashed upon them, a punishment for daring to disrespect him.


Vrishbhanu looked at Nand, "Hume ashraye lena hoga !"

"Iss varsha mei koi ashraye nahi hai, Vrishbhanu ! Yeh Samvartak megh hai, jo sansaar ka annt karte hai !" Nand replied.

The cows were immobile and petrified, weeping in their moos. Their ears did not move. They could not move their hooves and faces. The hair on their bodies was wet and stood erect. Their flanks and breasts were emaciated. Some were exhausted and gave up their lives. Some were afflicted and fell down. Other cows suffered from the cold and the rain and fell down with their calves. Some mother cows tried to give shelter to their calves under their bodies. Others were exhausted and gave up.

Vanquished by the rain, some cows quivered and shrieked in their misery.
Young calves raised their faces towards their lord. In agony, with afflicted
faces, they seemed to beg Krishna to save them.

The Gopas too turned to Krishna, their faces filled with fear and confusion as the rain grew more and more dangerous, threatening to flood their village and wash away everything they held dear.

"Krishna humari raksha karo !"

"Krishna sahayata karo !"

In that moment, Krishna's eyes blazed with anger as he realized that Indra, had decided to counter his instruction and his will.

Radha looked at afflicted people with worry, and then at Krishna, who without a word, walked towards the towering Govardhan in a godly gait. As he reached the base of the mountain, Krishna raised his hand and with a single swift motion, he uprooted the entire mountain from the ground. The earth trembled beneath his feet as the massive rock broke free from its centuries-old foundation, sending debris flying in all directions.  The summit was raised up into the sky, like a bird. The streams that flowed down its flanks became one. The mountain moved, as if it had been struck by the vajra.

The base revealed iron, gold, antimony and silver. Some of these minerals were separated, others cracked. The mountain penetrated the clouds and looked like their summit. Because the mountain trembled, so did the branches of trees. Flowers were loosened and scattered on the ground everywhere.

The sight sent shivers down the spines of the Gopas who watched in stunned silence. With a look of fierce determination on his face, Krishna effortlessly lifted the majestic Govardhan mountain with his arms and then held it up by the little finger of his left hand, holding it aloft like a mighty shield against the raging storm.

The sheer display of power and strength left the Gopas speechless, their hearts filled with a mix of fear and reverence for their beloved Krishna.

"Chaliye sab ! Govardhan ki puja ki hai, toh Govardhan hi hum sab ki raksha karenge !" Radha stepped forward and led the bewildered Gopas and herds of cattle under the shelter of the massive mountain.

As they entered the protective embrace of Govardhan, a sense of peace and safety washed over them, knowing that Krishna's divine presence would shield them from any harm. Under it, people could no longer feel the roar of the wind. Rain from the clouds could not penetrate.

Radha and Balram stood by his side, their expressions filled with pride and unwavering faith in Krishna's power. Yashoda and Nand, tears of reverence streaming down their cheeks, looked on with awe and gratitude as they witnessed their son standing tall and unwavering, holding the mountain as if it were a mere pebble in his hand.


Krishna picking up Govardhan is such a goosebumps moment 😍😭🙏

HARIHARESHWARI 15 : Namami Braj NayakamWhere stories live. Discover now