Winter is Coming

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Many years ago, when Helaena was just a baby born into this cruel world, she didn't know she was only born to be killed immediately after. Thankfully, she was not. Her biological father, the Mad King tore the baby out of the Midwife's arms before leaving to enter the Throne Room.

Robert Baratheon's rebellion had long started and the current King didn't have much time left. If any at all. As soon as he entered, he was greeted by Jaime Lannister, the King's Knight who would soon be known as the King Slayer.

He picked up Helaena and immediately left to see his sister, Cersei.

Despite Robert Baratheon's complaints and anger and disgust towards the innocent child, Cersei kept her and treated her as if she were her own daughter. Something in her told her to protect this child and she did. She knew her Marriage would never be a happy one, but the only thing that gave her happiness were her babies.

And here they were, years later. Helaena was about two years older than Joffrey and then came Myrcella and Tommen. The four children were quite close, especially Helaena and Joffrey. They were the best of friends until one day seemed to change their lives forever.

Jon Arryn, the Hand of the King had died. The fever had taken him they said, but Helaena knew better, but most importantly, she knew her Mother and her Uncle and both seemed tense, even if it was barely noticable.

"What happened to the Hand?" Helaena asked her Mother as she went into her chambers to let Cersei brush her hair. It was a routine, plus it gave them time to chat and spend time together when Cersei didn't have anything to do currently.

"Haven't you heard?" Cersei asked as she gently brushed through her white blonde hair, "A terrible fever took him."

"You know I'm not stupid, mother." Helaena kept pushing, "You and Uncle have been so tense lately, and worry doesn't look good on you."

Cersei sighed. A part of her slightly regretted that she's so smart and cunning.

"You mustn't tell anyone. Do you swear?" Cersei asked first.

"I swear."

Another sigh, "He was poisoned."


"Sometimes, knowing things that you're not supposed to know can end terribly, my love."


"Yes, my child?"

"Do you love Uncle Jaime?"

She smiled. "Of course I do."

"Like - really love him."

".. How long have you known about us?"

Helaena thought back. "First I just heard dirty rumors about you and Uncle. But then upon looking closer I noticed something between you two that I don't see with you and Robert."

"You're correct." Cersei half smiled. "You know, it used to be normal for siblings or cousins to marry and have children together. The Targaryens were the ones who truly held on to that."

"Like my real parents?"

Cersei nodded, continuing to brush through her soft hair. Helaena didn't know how to feel about that. Now in society, it was largely frowned upon, viewed as disgusting. But back then, she supposed it was more to keep the Bloodline strong and pure.

Thinking about it further, simply gave her a headache, so she just brushed it to the back of her mind.

"Thank you for trusting your secret in me." Helaena said before getting up, "I'll keep it safe with me." And then left the room, going to find her brother Joffrey.

Meant to Burn Together - Helaena TargaryenNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ