Bastard Slaughter

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"From this time until the end of time, we are not part of your Realm, but a free and independant kingdom of the North." Helaena read out loud, really regretting having not done more to prevent this outcome.

Cersei snatched it from her hands and tore the parchment up. "He has more spirit than his father, I'll give him that."

"You've perfected the art of tearing papers up." Tyrion commented. 

"We can give him his fathers bones back at least." Helaena cut in, "As a gesture of good faith."

"You'll give the Starks our reply, cousin?" Cersei asked the Lannister boy who was playing raven.

"I will, your Grace."

"Did you see my brother when you were the Stark's guest?"

"I did. They have not broken his spirit, your Grace."

"If you speak with him, tell him he's not been forgotten."

"I will, your Grace."

"Safe travels, cousin." Tyrion said to him before he left.

"You have a deft hand with diplomacy." Tyrion told Cersei.

"If that's everything.." Helaena started before being interrupted by Pycelle. "A- A raven flew in this morning from Castle Black."

"Trouble with the wildlings." Varys sang, smugly. 

Helaena took the letter, reading it.

"That's why they're called wildlings." Baelish said with attitude.

"Somewhat less wild these days. Seems they've stopped killing each other and started following this King-Beyond-The Wall." Varys explained.

"Another King? How many is that now? Five?" Cersei asked, "I've lost count."

"The Lord commander asks that we send more men to man the Wall." Helaena explained. 

"Perhaps he's forgotten we're fighting a war." Cersei stated. "We have no men to spare."

Helaena began reading out loud, "Cold winds are rising and the dead rise with them."

"The northerners are superstitious people." Pycelle shook his head dismissively.

"According to the Lord commander, one of these dead men attacked him in his chambers." Helaena said, stressing the situation up North. Everyone stood except for Tyrion and Helaena.

"Did I say that this meeting is dismissed?" Helaena slammed the letter on the table standing. Cersei, Varys, Baelish and Maester Pycelle stood still, not expecting that. "Sit down. Now. No one leaves this meeting- not until the Queen- which I am, - and the King dismiss it. Not the  Queen Regent- not the Master of coins- Not the Master of whisperers and especially not the Grand Maester."

"My apologies." They murmered. except for Cersei of course. The title Queen Regent triggered her but Helaena couldn't care less.

"Mormont doesn't lie." Tyrion told them. 

"How do you kill a dead man?" Varys asked Helaena.

"Apparently you burn him."

Cersei giggled. "One trip to the wall and you come back believing in grumpkins and snarks."

Cersei walked around the table, heading towards the door. 

"I don't know what I believe." Tyrion stated sternly, "But here's a fact for you. The Night's Watch is the only thing that separates us from what's beyond the wall."

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