The North Remembers

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The Hound and some other man in armor were fighting in a pit, brutally. Why? Because it's Joffrey's 17th name day. Yes, he was a year younger than Helaena, but it didn't bother her. At least it wasn't some 50 or worst case, 14 year old she got married to.

The Hound landed a killing blow on the other man's head with his spikey weapon, tossing him out and below the pit.

"Well Struck." Joffrey chuckled. "Well struck, Dog." The King called to the Hound.

Helaena had to admit, that was quite impressive. Sansa sat right next to Helaena, looking very displeased. She didn't even want to be in Kinglanding, gods forbid anywhere near King Joffrey. Helaena didn't know how to help the Stark girl with her depression and anxiety, but she did her best to be there for her friend. She needs someone she can trust and Helaena was just that person.

"Did you like that my love?" Joffrey asked with a wide smile.

"It really was impressive, my love." Helaena smiled at her Husband. Bloodthirsty but still kind - at least to her.

"And you? Did you like that?" Joffrey asked Sansa.

"It was well struck, your Grace." Sansa replied, monotone. 

"I already said it was well struck." Joff stated, already getting moody.

"Yes, your Grace."

Helaena cleared her throat, "Who's next?"

"Lothor Brune. Freerider in the service of Lord Baelish." The announcer spoke loudly, holding his hand out to represent the champion, before holding his other hand out in the other direction to represent the other champion. "Ser Dontos the Red of House Hollard."

no one.

"Ser Dontos the Red of House Hollard!" The anouncer called again.

"Here I am." Ser Dontos said, clumsily putting on his helmet, visibly drunk. "Here I am!" He rand down the steps clumsily going past the King and the Queen, dropping his equipment more than once. 

"Sorry, your Graces." he said, out of breath, "My deepest apologies."

"Are you drunk?" Joff asked.

"No." he replied, very quickly. "Uh- No. Your Grace. I had two cups of wine."

"Two cups?" He asked Dontos, who nodded. "That's not much at all. Please, have another cup."

"Are you sure, your Grace?" Ser Dontos asked. 

Helaena sighed, knowing he was feigning the kindness. "Yes, to celebrate my name day. Have two, have as much as you'd like."

"I would be honored, your Grace." Dontos stated, accepting the offer gladly.

"Ser Meryn, help Ser Dontos celebrate my name day. See that he drinks his fill." Joffrey sneered in disgust.

Two other Kingsguards held Ser Dontos down while Ser Meryn got a barrel of wine, pouring it down his throat forcedly. The audience gasped, while Joffrey sat down and enjoyed the man's pain.

"You can't" Sansa said in disbelief.

"What did you say?" Joffrey narrowed his eyes at the auburn haired girl. "Did you say I can't?"

"I only meant that it would be Bad Luck to kill a man on your name day." Sansa saved herself.

"What kind of peasant's superstition." Joff spat.

"The girl is right." The Hound spoke, "What a man sows on his name day he reaps all year."

Joffrey sighed, "Take him away. I'll have him killed tomorrow, the fool."

Meant to Burn Together - Helaena TargaryenWhere stories live. Discover now