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Helaena and Darkfyre sat in the Gardens of the Red Keep, enjoying the Rays of the Sun one last time before all Hell would break lose. Lord Eddard Stark would die today and Sansa fully believed Joffrey when he said he'd be merciful. Helaena had known Joff basically her whole life now, his mercy is death. Though, she'd doubt that he's killing him to be a merciful King - He's having  him killed because Ned Stark knows Cersei's secret and refused him the Throne.

Helaena knew this was unfair, but when you play the Game of Thrones, everything is usually unfair.

"My love." Joffrey called as he strode into the Gardens, heading into her and Darkfyre's direction.

"Morning, Joff." Helaena said, plastering a small smile on her face.

"Don't do that." Joffrey sighed as he sat down next to her.


"Don't use that pretender smile. It's not a good look on you." Joffrey told her.

"Ah." She sighed, "It's just unfortunate, really. Sansa will lose her father today. She's lost her sister already- her brother Robb is at war with your grandfather-"

"Do you know what makes you so beautiful as a person, Laena?" Joffrey cut in, smiling at her confused face expression, "You have the biggest Heart a person could have, and you're so gentle and kind.. It makes me want to be a better man for you."

Helaena couldn't help but smile widely, feeling her face burn up in a blush, "I'm glad, Joff. You will be a great King."

"Only with a Queen like you." Joffrey said as he held her hand, "There's news about your sister, Daenerys."

Helaena frowned in confusion, "What happened?"

"Kahl Drogo is dead for one, leaving her widowed." Joffrey began explaining, "For two, she lost her baby. It's said that a witch killed her child to bring Kahl Drogo back to life."

"And Daenerys? How is Danny?" Helaena asked, worried sick. As soon as the Kahl dies, the Kahleesi means nothing.

"She hatched three dragon Eggs, and is alive. Unburnt." Joffrey sighed, visibly nervous about the last part of the news.

A smile crept into her face, the Princess letting out a relieved laugh.

"I don't get what's so good about these news, except for the first two."

"Don't be so horrible." She nudged him, "The Dragons, Joff. We brought the Dragons back to Westeros- the whole World. That's the good news!"

"Yeah- that Daenerys Targaryen has three dragons and can take Kingslanding?" Joffrey asked in disbelief.

"What- no!" Helaena sighed, "Daenerys wants nothing but to come home- in peace. She won't harm anyone as long as I'm your Queen. She doesn't want the Throne- she just wants to come home and live in peace."

"And if you're wrong?"

"I'm not wrong, my love." Helaena cupped his cheek gently, "Daenerys is my twin sister.. do you have any idea how alone and painful it's been for me or her? She belongs with me, her family."

Joffrey's eyes softened. He could imagine how painful it must be, he's seen it with Cersei and Jaime.

"Okay." He sighed, closing his eyes for a second, "Our wedding is within seven days."

"I know. It still feels so unreal to me." The silver haired princess smiled widely.



"I love you."

"I love you too."

~Meant to Burn Together~

Meant to Burn Together - Helaena TargaryenWhere stories live. Discover now