Things you do for Love

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"Why aren't you inside to enjoy the feast then?" Helaena asked the man who sighed deeply.

"I'm Lord Stark's bastard. Lady Stark insisted that I stay out and far away from the Feast." Jon admitted, almost ashamed of himself.

"Sounds rude but I also get it.. What will you be doing then?" She asked with a frown.

"Train. And then perhaps sleep." Jon stated.

"Train for what?"

"The Wall. I'll be leaving to guard the Wall and take the Black."

The Wall and taking the Black meant he'd have to swear to father no sons, take no wives and all of that, she couldn't possibly imagine anyone wanting to do that willingly. Is it so bad here for him?

"Before you ask, yes I know what I'd be giving up, I just don't care." Jon stated. "I'll be more useful up there anyway."


"Why aren't you with Cersei?" Tyrion came strutting into the conversation. "Go on, then. It's much later than you intended now, your Mother must be wondering where you are."

"I'll see you around Jon Snow." Helaena said before going inside to the Hall where the Feast was being held. Tyrion wasn't wrong. Robert was well into the feast kissing some whores, satisfying his needs with food and.. more whores. Meanwhile Cersei sat next to Lady Stark, seeming to lead a conversation, looking rather bored and displeased.

Joffrey was sitting at a table drinking his wine and not really speaking to anyone, except when he made brief eye contact with Sansa, he wore a small smile. Each time this happened Sansa turned red and immediately went to talk to her friends, hiding  her face.

She's beautiful, she had to give her that, but she would never in a million years work out with Joff. Not because Joffrey's too good for her, no. Actually quite the opposite, he's a prick. And an Ego that was too large for that lanky body of his.

"There she is." She heard Cersei say, calling out to Helaena and Sansa. The Targaryen sighed, wishing she'd get to talk to Joffrey before she'd have to face his future wife who was so much younger than both of them.

"Hello, little dove." Cersei greeted Sansa. Helaena curtsied for Lady Stark who looked almost surprised, "Oh- please. You mustn't do that here, my Princess."

"It is your home, Lady Stark. It's only right to show the Lady of this Country respect." Helaena flashed her gorgeous smile. Catelyn Stark didn't argue further. She didn't know what she'd expect, but it certainly wasn't that.

"But you are a beauty." Cersei said to Sansa, admiring the little girl. "How old are you?"

"13, your Grace." Sansa answered.

"You're tall. Still growing?" Cersei observed.

"I think so, your Grace." Sansa smiled.

"And have you bled yet?"

There it was.

Sansa looked alarmed and confused at her Mother.

"No, your Grace." Sansa glanced back at the Queen.

Helaena felt slightly bad for her. Cersei only cared if she could produce little Grandchildren for her already or not. She knew very well no one needed to be in a happy relationship to be married and have kids, especially the Royal Family.

Cersei nodded once, before having a mild look of disgust in her face that only Helaena noticed, as her nose scrunched up a little for only a brief moment. "And your dress, did you make it?"

Meant to Burn Together - Helaena TargaryenWhere stories live. Discover now