You Win or You Die

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"I should have spent more time with you." Robert told Joffrey as he laid in bed, dying from his wound. They had just returned upon Robert Baratheon getting injured by a boar. Joffrey had tears in his eyes, holding the King's hand- not wanting him to die. "Shown you how to be a man. I was never meant to be a father.

The door opened and Renly returned with Ned. Helaena shared a look with Cersei, earning a small nod from her as if she was saying well done.

"Go on." Robert told Joffrey, "Helaena will take care of you, as will your mother. You don't have to concern yourself with me any longer. You don't want to see this."

Joffrey left, hesitantly. He was very upset, but Helaena didn't expect him to react any differently. His father - or who he thinks is his father - is about to die and he gets sent out like that.

Helaena bowed before the dying King before running after Joffrey. She almost would've felt badly about it if he didn't want to kill her and her remaining siblings.

"Joff! Wait-" Helaena called out to him, but he wasn't about to stop.

"I'm not ready Helaena- I don't know a thing about ruling a Kingdom- let alone Seven!" Joffrey cried out as he finally reached his chambers.

"But I do." Helaena spoke softly as she entered his chambers, closing the door behind her. "I've been in council meetings pouring wine ever since I could remember. I learned way more than I intended to."

Joffrey just buried his face in his hands, shaking.

"Listen to me, Joff." Helaena took his hands in her own, looking into his deep blue eyes, "I will be your Queen. You won't be ruling alone, do you hear me?"

He nodded. He couldn't sort his mind out properly, which made him panic a little. Thankfully his soon-to-be wife stood by him, and didn't leave until he had calmed down.

"As King you can't show such vulnerable moments to the public. They'll think you're too soft and emotional. You have to be a lion." Helaena explained. "A Good King won't only rule with fear but also with love. Love from your people. If you only rule with fear it'll only take time before someone else sits on that throne."

"You're right, Laena.." Joff sighed, running his fingers through his hair. "I trust you. More than even mother or Tywin Lannister."

"That's all that matters."

~Meant to Burn Together~

Helaena Targaryen walked with Ned Stark to his chambers, the letter Ned wrote for the late King Robert in his hand. Renly was leaning against a pillar, seemingly waiting for them both.

"Lord Stark, My Princess." He greeted. "A moment. Alone if you will"

Ned nodded at his guards to leave.

"He named you protector of the Realm." Renly started. 

"He did." Ned stated, unsure where he was going with this.

"She won't care." Renly got straight to the point. "Give me an hour and I can put a hundred swords at your command."

"And what should I do with a hundred swords?" Ned asked.

"Strike! Tonight while the castle sleeps. We must get Joffrey away from his mother and into our custody. Protector of the Realm or no. He who holds the King holds the Kingdoms. Every moment you delay gives Cersei another to prepare. By the time Robert dies, it will be too late for the both of us. Helaena's safe because she'll be Queen, but we.. We're in danger."

Meant to Burn Together - Helaena TargaryenWhere stories live. Discover now