A Golden Crown

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Helaena didn't know what to think of the current situation. It's so chaotic that her head is snapping in every direction every time something happens. For Example: Tyrion Lannister is being held captive by Lady Stark. Who gets punished for it? Lord Stark. In punished I mean a spear through your thigh.

Helaena was in Ned Stark's chambers with Robert Baratheon and Cersei Lannister.

"Your pardon your Grace, I would rise but.." Ned said when he opened his eyes and realized who stood before him.

"Do you know what your wife has done?" Cersei asked.

"She did nothing I did not command." Ned stated. 

"Who'd have thought she had it in her?" Robert asked, seemingly having mixed feelings.

"By what right dare you lay hands on my blood?" Cersei was pissed. She considered Tyrion to be a filthy little monster, but her family was all she fiercely cared about. So yes, she was very pissed.

"I am the King's Hand, charged with keeping the King's peace." 
"You were the King's hand" Cersei yelled while Ned spoke. "You shall now be held accountable."

"Oh, will both of you shut your damn mouths?!" Robert yelled shutting both of them up, Helaena having been silent the entire time. "Catelyn will release Tyrion and you'll make your peace with Jaime."

"He butchered my men-" Ned started but Cersei chuckled.

"Lord Stark was returning drunk from a brothel when his men attacked Jaime." Cersei explained to Robert who was absolutely not having it.

"Quiet woman."

"Jaime has fled the city." Ned started. "Give me leave to bring him back to justice."

Darkfyre tensed up, becoming alert as she sees how this is escalating quickly.

"I took you for a King." Cersei snarled.

"Hold your tongue."

"He's attacked one of my brothers and abducted the other. I should wear the armor and you the gown." 

Not a second after Cersei's said her part, a loud slap was heard. Robert slapped Cersei.

"Don't touch her!" Helaena yelled at Robert, Darkfyre ready to attack, having opened her mouth where Robert could see fire ready to be breathed. Helaena checked on Cersei who's been like a mother to her her whole life. This wasn't the first time he's hit her or the princess, but this time she had a Dragon.

Robert took a step back from Darkfyre, not wanting to end up as her meal.

"I shall wear this as a badge of honor." Cersei grinned sickly at her husband, cheek bloody and bruised.

"Wear it in silence or I shall honor you again." Robert threatened the Queen.

"You will do no such thing." Helaena stood in front of the Lannister woman like a shield. Darkfyre was growing quickly, and soon enough she'd be a young dragon than a drake. She was definitely big enough to burn a whole person alive. 

"Come now, my love." Cersei said as she walked out of Lord Stark's chambers followed by the Targaryen princess.

I have to speak to him.

"Thank you for trying to protect me." The Queen said with a small smile. 

"You're family." Helaena simply stated, "Family protects each other."

"Helaena?" Cersei asked as the pair walked, "Do you love Joffrey?"

"Of course I do. I agreed to marry him when he becomes King, he was very romantic about it too-"

Meant to Burn Together - Helaena TargaryenWhere stories live. Discover now