six | confessions

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I make sure I walk as slow as possible to the office. What waits for me there? A torture device? A gun? A knife? Will Alexander lock me in a dank cave to let me starve to death? Cassian did say that I could be in a coffin by the end of the night. 

I reach his office sooner than I'd have liked. Before I have any time to think about turning back around, a low voice murmurs, "Come inside, Evelyn." I curse my luck, and wrap my hand around the door knob, opening it. The door creaks at the movement. 

The office is illuminated by the blazing fire. I immediately wonder if Alexander will throw me to the flames. They look so marvelous, flicking around. I would almost want to touch them, feel their beauty, but I would be burned to bits. 

What a true shame that beautiful things are usually harmful. 

Alexander sits at his desk, leaning back into the seat. A delicate, crystal glass filled with an orange-tinted liquid I can only assume to be alcohol, sits beside a messy pile of paperwork. I tense upon seeing the liquid. 

"Sit down, why don't you, sister?" His voice is gentle. He's too calm. 

I move forward, deciding to practice my sloth imitations by barely moving a centimeter per step. But after one glance at my brother, I pick up my face and find myself in a hard leather seat in front of his mahogany desk. 

"I'm not going to apologize. I have every right to leave this home. All of you living here are criminals—murderers no less! Do you think the law will like to know I've practically been kidnapped? I can get emancipated, you know," I muster out before he blows up. 

Alexander chuckles lightly, taking a small sip of the orange drink. "You seem to forget how powerful your brothers actually are, darling." 

"I will get an emancipation! I will go back home!" 

"This is your home Evelyn." 

"My real home is far away from you." 

Alexander sighs, rubs his hand over his face in defeat.  "Darling," he sighs, looking at me with soft features, nothing like his normal stiff frame. "How can I convince you that I love you? All of your brothers love you. You remember our upbringing, don't you? All of your brothers have been bred to kill. It's in our blood. It runs in the family." 

"I don't care! Can't you understand that? I want nothing to do with being a criminal's sister." 

"We won't let you leave, Evelyn. You are our sister, our blood. Our family belongs together." I clench my hands together. My body tightens up. My heart beats faster in my chest. 

"I don't like you," I say, my eyes narrowing. 

"I know. But I'll do everything I can to win back your trust," Alexander answers. His eyes have glossed over, but they quickly return stoic. 

I stand up, my arms crossed over my chest. "So can I go?" 

"Of course not. You still tried to run away, which results in a consequence," I raise an eyebrow. What's my punishment? Locked up for three days without water? Alexander hands me a phone. "There. You'll only be able to communicate with your brothers, and Benjamin." 

Seriously? This is it? "Um, okay." I turn on my heel. 

"Evelyn," Alexander calls. I turn back around to face him. "I love you." I blink in surprise. Love? That's a strong word, one I can't reciprocate. So, I just nod, and run out. I sprint until I am tucked safely away in my bedroom. 


I stay in my room for the rest of the night. Luke knocks on my door to let me know dinner is served, but I don't answer. What am I supposed to do? Alexander just said he loved me. Is it real brotherly love? Or is it just a statement he said to get my guard down? 

I can't trust them. I've only been back for three days, and they're doing everything in their power to make me surprised when I'm stabbed in the chest. 

How is a girl supposed to trust a group of male murderers? 

By the time the antique French clock on my nightstand strikes midnight, I decide I can't pace anymore. I walk towards the bay window, and sit down on the soft cushion. I open the window, letting the cold autumn air seep into my skin. 

School starts tomorrow. I'll be able to leave this house of horror. Who knows what goes on in their basement? Uncle took me to a warehouse, but maybe there are poor souls locked up underneath my feet. Maybe I have become death to their screams for mercy. 

I stand up, walk towards my bed, and lift the pillow. My mum's locket is still there, in tact. I smile sadly, and gently lift it into my palm. The silver metal gleams up at me. I take it back to the window to stare at it in the dim moonlight. 

Mum's gentle smile was always able to calm me down. She'd stroke my hair after a nightmare. She would make me fluffy pancakes on Sundays. She'd take me to the park near our flat, and we'd walk around while eating ice cream the vendor sold. 

I squeeze the locket tightly in my hand until I'm sure its features have been indented into my fragile skin. Tears slide down my cheeks, sobs coming from my throat in soft hiccups. "Why, Mum? Why did you leave me?" I ask no one. 

I crumble onto the hardwood floor. I bury my face in my knees. The last thing Mum told me was, "You are my whole world, Eve. Don't forget that you deserve to be loved. You deserve everything in the world," She brought me closer to her, "Always know what it feels like to be wanted." 

Is this what Mum wanted for me? Is she looking down on me right now, telling me life with my brothers will be a blessing? 

"Mum," I breathe out, "Is this what you had in mind? Am I wanted here? Will I be truly, wholeheartedly loved?" 

Something in my heart told me Mum said, "Yes, my angel, yes." 

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