seventeen | oh gosh-

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Christmas Eve. 

A day filled with laughs and cheers at the children's home. 

Another normal day in Vermont. 

The Christmas decorations are stilled tucked away in the living room, unused. My brothers have practically turned into ghosts. 

"It's a busy time, Ev. But don't worry, alright? We'll spend some time together soon," Sullivan told me this morning. 

Alexander also gave me a new phone, so I can finally get my friends's numbers. Immediately after receiving the thing, I called Daphne, who wrote her number on a piece of paper a while ago. 

"Hey! You finally got a phone?" She squeals. 

"Yeah. I think Alexander feels bad." I hear noises in the background. A high-pitched shriek. "Who's that?" 

"Porter. The big baby. Everyone's here because our parents are being workaholics. Wait! Your brothers are busy, right?" 


"You should come over! Now! Yes! I'll send a car over." 

She hangs up. 

I glance up at the third floor. Some of my brothers are up there. Some of them are out. I pull out my phone and text Alexander: "I'm going to Daphne's." 

He asks: "She's sending a car?" 

I reply: "Yep." 

And then he finishes the conversation with: "Alright. Merry Christmas Eve, Ev." 

I put my phone back into my pocket, and stand near the door. I begin to play with the necklace wrapped around my neck. 

My gift from Warren.                              

I hear movement behind me. I turn and spot Aurora lugging laundry down the hallway. "Hello, Evelyn. Are you heading out?" She asks. 

"I am... Why aren't you with your family? Didn't Alexander give you today and tomorrow off?" 

She shakes her head, smiling at me sadly. "No. But I'm not paid to sit around right?" 

I feel a pang of guilt in my stomach. I frown at her. "Oh." 

"Oh, no! Don't go feeling bad. Have a fun time, alright?" She disappears into another room. I slowly turn back around to peer out the window. 

An armored black vehicle pulls up at the gate, and it's quickly let in. Daphne jumps out of the car, and runs up to the door. I open it before she knocks. 

She beams at me. "Evelyn! I'm so glad you can come! Yay!" She grabs my hand, and I barely have any time to close the door before I'm lugged into the car. 

"Is everyone there? Porter, Lavender, Silas and Aria?" 

"And Warren." She casts me a knowing smirk, leaning into her seat as the car speeds off. My eyes widen and my face turns bright red. 


"Well, because our families are close, you know— the Italians and Americans. Warren got booted off to my place as he's 'too young' to deal with what's going on." 

I avert my gaze. Daphne giggles. "I knew it! I knew it!" She squeals, clapping her hands. I glance at the driver, utterly embarrassed, but I find that he is not interested in our conversation. 

"Know what exactly?" But I already know. 

"You love him! Don't even try to deny it. I can see it in your eyes." 

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