fifteen | unexpected visitors

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Lying in bed all day everyday is boring. Dull. Lifeless. 

My brothers try to come to my room, even Alexander, who sometimes just pops in to ask how I'm doing. 

The twins have to go to school, but when they come back Luke tells me all the drama, even if I have nothing to do with it: "There was a fight today over a girl" or "Ughhhhh, I have so much homework!" 

Logan just sits next to me as Luke whines and gossips. Sometimes he brings snacks and drinks to eat as we watch the dramatic "Luke Show." 

Aurora barely talks to me besides asking if I need anything. She changes my bandage, delivers me meals, and helps me into the bathroom. 

She's a sweet person, I'm sure. I just wish she talked to me more. 


Someone knocks on the door. 

"Come in," I call, sinking into the comforter. It's probably either the twins or Aurora. 

Alexander steps inside. I immediately sit back up. My mind races. Why is he here? What does he want? 

Is he going to say it's too dangerous for me here? He's going to send me back to England? Hope rises in my chest. 

Alexander stiffly walks towards me. He stands at the edge of the bed, staring at me for a second too long. I cough, and he comes back to his senses. 

"How are you doing, Evelyn?" He asks. 

I shrug. "I guess as well as someone can be after getting shot." 

He sighs. "That wasn't supposes to happen." His voice comes out as a mumble and I'm not sure I was supposed to hear it. 

"I don't think anyone plans it," I say. 

"I came here because I want to inform you of something. You might be against this notion, but I believe it will benefit you. So listen, alright? Let me explain before you reject it." 

Anxiety builds inside of me. I tense my muscles. "Okay..." 

"I believe that you should attend therapy. You aren't used to this lifestyle, and getting shot is a traumatic experience. I also know you had a rough childhood after you were kidnapped. This will be for the best, sister." 

Anxiety is replaced by anger. Pure, hot, heavy rage. 

"No! Absolutely not. I refuse. I won't talk to some random person about my problems. My feelings. That's private." 

Alexander seems to have expected this reaction. 

"You will go to one session, Evelyn. Just one. I want you to at least try it. This therapist is well-respected in our business. She is a wonderful person." 

I shake my head. "No. I won't. And you can't force me." 

Alexander lightly smiles. Raises an eyebrow. "I can, but I don't want to. I want you to try this with an open mind. Your first session is in two weeks." 

Before I can go to object, Alexander kisses the top of my head, says a quiet 'I love you', and exits the room, leaving me alone once more. 

I glare at the door. 


Five days into my solitude, on Friday, at 4 pm in the afternoon, Luke struts inside. But at least three people follow him. 

Daphne comes into my view, along with Aria and Lavender. Daphne immediately jumps onto my bed, being careful to avoid my injured leg. 

"Hey!" She exclaims, a bright smile on her face. I return the smile almost immediately, craving contact with girls my age. Daphne's smile widens. 

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