twelve | italian dinner

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I woke up on my own at one in the afternoon. I've been getting ready for this dinner since. I've been making constant decisions over what to do with my clothes, hair, shoes. 

I wear a white dress made of soft material that stops at my mid-thigh. It has subtle puff sleeves and has a straight neckline. 

Warren's necklace rests on my chest. I like the feeling of it. It feels elegant, classy—something I desperately need to fit in with my brothers and Warren's family. 

The Italians will arrive at any moment. Anxiety picks up in my heart. 

Will they be friendly? 

Oh, who am I kidding? 

They're Mafia. Of course they'll be scary. Frightening. Intimidating. 

Luke told me Warren has two siblings along with two parents. He has a brother, Alessandro, and a sister, Rose. 

I perked up when he mentioned Warren's sister, but immediately slumped over when I learned she is 20 and is the Italian Mafia's best assassin. 

I crave a normal friend with a normal life. 

But I suppose that is too much to ask, right? 


For now, at least. Maybe I'll be normal someday. In the near future. I'm sure of it. 

I stand by the window, staring out past the brick fence that traps me onto Alexander's property. I wonder what it feels like to run freely in the field, to feel the window rush through my hair, to smile and laugh and not worry about having murderers as brothers. 

Pain strikes my heart. Tears well up in my eyes. I'm only fifteen. I am too young to be worrying about these things... but unfortunately for me, that's not how my life played out. 

Uncle tried to help me. He tried to give me a normal life. 

And then I met Mum. She was the best human I've known. She was a saint for taking in a traumatized, angry, sad, eight-year-old. She truly, wholeheartedly loved me like I was her own daughter. 

I run into Julie's arms. Tears stream down my face. We've only just walked through the door of her flat, but I can't contain my tears.

"Was school that bad, Eve?" She asked. I nod into her sweater. 

"They called me a 'dirty orphan.' They said I will never have anyone who loves me." 

Julie strokes my hair softly. She mumbles soft words into my ears. "Those children are liars, Eve. I love you. With everything I have." 

I blink in shock. Real love? She actually loves me? 

Julie only took me in 6 months ago. My longest placement. The other couples took me back once I began to have angry fits after nightmares. 

Julie kisses my head. She leans back on her heels, staring into my wide eyes. "How about we get ice cream? I'll look at other schools in the area afterwards."

I grin widely, and nod. "Yes! Yes! Let's!" I excitedly cheer. She laughs, takes my hand, and leads me back out into the sunlight. 

A knock snaps me out of my daydream. The door opens before I can fully turn. Warren steps into my room. I think I'm hallucinating. 

Warren's brown hair is not as messy as it normally is. It's slicked back now. He wears a black suit with a black tie that seems hypnotizing. 

Then he smirks. Leans back. His gaze travels from my eyes down my body. My face begins to burn. His eyes settle on the necklace he gifted me. His eyes brighten. 

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