ten | warren's gift

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It's the last day of school, and Daphne is hosting some grand party. Throughout the entire week, I have been pestered by schoolwork, Warren, my brothers, but, most notably, Daphne's consistent reminders of her Friday party. 

Last night, I took the liberty to ask Alexander if I could go. He stared at me for a long while, then said, "Of course you may, Evelyn." 

Luke thinks he's sucking up to me because I'm ready to flee at any second. Which may or may not be true. I do have a duffel bag stowed away in my closet, filled with clothes, packaged food, a gun (from Logan's collection), and money (from all over the house). 

I haven't asked what my brothers plan on doing with me yet. Marriage seems like the most logical answer. An alliance with the Italians would seal their position in the underground. But why would it have to be with Warren—of all people? 

Warren is cocky. Arrogant. He's taken a liking to calling me 'Lily' and sitting next to me in any class Daphne is not in. How does he get 'Lily' from 'Evelyn'? His smug smiles makes me want to punch it off him.

But I compose myself. 

At the last minute. 

Daphne assured me Warren will not be attending her party, so I begrudgingly agreed to attend. She was ecstatic when I told her earlier today. 

The bell rings, signaling the end of the day. Warren stands up quickly along with other students, but he only stares at me. "What, Warren?" I ask, annoyance clear in my tone. 

He smiles, picks up his things, and says, "Can't wait to see you tomorrow, love." He's about to walk off, then he stops and pulls something out of his pocket. It's a small box wrapped in teal paper. He hands it to me. "Here. I think we started off on the wrong foot, don't you? This is my peace offering." I take the box. 

He smirks, and heads out of the school. Frowning, I go to my locker and take my backpack out. Daphne walks up to me. "You're riding to my house with me, right?" She asks. "Everyone is—Aria, Lavender, Silas, Porter—so you have to come!" 

I smile at her. "Sure." She squeals. 

Daphne takes my hand and practically runs to her car in the car park. It's a bulky SUV. I narrow my eyes at it in confusion. She sees my look and explains, "Since you're riding with us, my dad made sure we have extra security." I nod. 

Oh, to be a Mafia princess. 

I sit between Aria and Silas. Aria immediately pulls out her phone, and says, "Group picture!" She takes it before I have any time to compose myself. "Ev, you look like you're about to murder someone!" She laughs. 

The car drives into Daphne's mansion surrounded by a thick gate. We all get out, and follow Daphne to a large den with games, snacks, and a television. "Everyone will get here soon enough," Daphne says. 

Silas and Porter pull out Monopoly. Lavender sighs, and whispers, "Here we go again," but she sits down with Aria and joins to game anyway. 

I excuse myself, take Warren's box, and wander around until I find a bathroom. I lock the door, and stare at the gift. 

What could he possibly have given me? A note that says, "See you tonight"? A homework assignment? All of those options seem like something he'd do. 

Letting my curiosity win, I tear off the paper and open the lid to the little brown box. Inside, there's a white note. Under it, an intricate locket stares at me. A lily is engraved onto it. I take the note and open it: 


Remember when we were kids? You said you don't, but I think that's a lie. Well, I started calling you 'Lily' because no one else did. I liked standing out to you. I gave you this necklace on your 7th birthday. 

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