twenty-two | marry him!

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The inventing scent of bacon and coffee fills my nose when I wake up. I rub my eyes and sit up. I take in the blue features of the bedroom, and the coastal view outside my window. 

Slowly but surely, I slide out of the bed and make my way to the bathroom. I take a quick shower and brush out my hair, changing into a pink sundress. 

I go to my jewelry box I brought from Vermont, and find my two necklaces— my customized necklace from Warren, and Mum's locket. 

I pick up Mum's locket, and clasp it around my neck. I open it up, and see her warm smile. My heart immediately seizes up with grief. 

For these past months, I feel as though I've been forgetting my life. My English life. The eight years in England are slowly being erased by my brothers and myself. 

No one talks about my old life. I rarely wear Mum's necklace, rather replacing it with Warren's. I don't even have the contacts of my old friends, like Vicky or Jane. 

I can't forget my life. England shaped me into who I am right now. No matter how hard I might try, or my family might try, the years I spent away from Vermont can't be erased. 

With a sigh, I exit the bedroom, and head downstairs. Lucie and Elizabeth sit at the counter, drinking tea whilst food bakes on the stove. 

"Good morning," I greet hesitantly, stepping closer. 

"Evelyn, hello. Are you hungry? We have croissants, fresh fruit, toast churros... anything you desire, I can create!" 

I smile at the offer. "Thank you, but I am never too hungry in the mornings. I'll just have some mango." Lucie frowns but nods, and I grab a mango from the fruit bowl, and cut it up. 

I sit across the counter from Lucie and Elizabeth, listening to their mindless chatter of new Dior clothing and tanning beds. 

"They cause cancer, you know. I'd never use one," Elizabeth sighs, taking a sip of tea. Lucie chuckles and shakes her head. 

"Cancer? I doubt it. But who needs a tanning bed when we have the sun?" 

Warren suddenly strolls inside, his brother, Alessandro, right behind him. I straighten up, and let my hair un-tuck itself from behind my ears to try to conceal my pink cheeks. 

The two Bertelli brothers got their breakfast, and Warren took a seat next to me. Does he not read social cues? We haven't really discussed the kiss, and it's been weeks. 

Did he really mean it? Was he just acting out of... what? Lust? Does Warren actually like me, does he want a relationship with me? 

Warren is, of course, undeniably handsome. His jawline is chiseled. His hair is sleek and smooth. His green eyes glitter when he smiles. 

But he's also honest and kind. He's caring and loyal. From my memories from our youth, we talked about anything and everything. We were always there for each other. 

Lucie claps her hands together once. "Why don't Evelyn and Warren go swimming? That pool is going unused. It's such a shame. You two are young and sprite. Go on, have a swim." 

If my face was pink before, it probably resembles a tomato now. Being in my swimsuit around Warren? Him being in his suit around me? That's a disaster waiting to happen. 

Still, I nod, seeing as there's nothing else to do with Lila being in a mansion down the street. I might as well torture myself with Warren's looks, right? Who wouldn't? 

"Where are my brothers?" I ask Lucie. 

She hesitates for a moment, and stutters on her words, "With my husband, I believe. Or maybe your twins aren't. They're just doing business." 

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