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My body jostled from the passenger seat of our SUV and I shifted slightly, adjusting my seatbelt as we continued down the highway.

We've been driving over 8 hours so far. I need to get out of this car and on solid ground.  My wolf was anxiously pacing in my mind but I calmed her down, trying to get as comfortable as I could until we arrive at our destination.

Our temporary home.

The word "home" never meant much to me.  While I would love to find somewhere to stay permanently, the chances of that seem slim.  All I've ever known is traveling with my Dad while he coordinates training camps.  The concept of staying in one place was foreign, but also a dream that floated through my mind once in awhile.

"How do you feel, doll?" Dad asked as he drove, his brow furrowed while he tried to read my emotions.

I forced a smile and sighed, "Nervous. It's worse than usual this time, which is weird."

He hummed in understanding then replied, "Not really. I mean, you know Beta John, Gamma Callum, and Kara, as well as dozens of their warriors, but otherwise this is a new pack entirely. New surroundings, new layout, new ground to dissect."

"Well, I'm glad the people I do know are so wonderful. Kara warned me about how tough her brother is to work with but somehow John and Cal get through to him so I think our training camp will go well.  The guys have been at other camps enough to know what to expect."

"I'm sure it will. Kara watches her niece a lot, right? Alpha Alexander's daughter?"

I grinned while flipping down the visor and double checking my mascara, fussing with the French braids in my hair as I answered. "I've heard so much about little Willow. She is going to be 3 this fall so Kara is excited to throw her a party."

Dad chuckled then paused before asking, "So, they have a Luna?"

"No, apparently not. I don't know details but Alpha was never mated to Willow's mom. She got pregnant and abandoned them shortly after the baby was born."

"Didn't you track her down so he could get custody?"

I blushed and nodded. "I kept watch in case Stephanie was around since I had met her before at one of the packs we visited for camp. Alpha came to the pack where I found her so she could sign the paperwork and make it legal. Willow may be biologically his, but he runs the risk of losing her if it isn't in writing."

He sighed, shaking his head, "It's great that you were able to give them a hand with that. I can only imagine how tough it would be to raise a child and fear they could be taken from you." My Dad's blue eyes met mine as he hesitated before mentioning, "I've heard he's quite the player. Some of the warriors mention a few ladies in the pack try to pretend they're Luna."

"Yeah, but he's an unmated Alpha with a gigantic pack to handle. They haven't had a born Luna in a few generations so the guys have said you can feel the difference in their community compared to packs with a Luna. The guys said it was always arranged partnerships to gain allies and expand territory.  Regardless, Kara dotes on her niece and helps as much as she can with the pack. Alpha is busy so it's good that the sweet girl has some stability."

The word left my mouth before I realized it and my eyes widened as I turned to my Dad. He had a sad smile on his face and sighed, "I'm sorry I haven't given you that kind of life, doll. When your mom died you were so little. All I knew was training and having the chance to travel and teach camps like this was a great opportunity. You have been so gracious to forgive me for all the mistakes I made for a long time but that is no excuse for how I treated you. I'm just so thankful you have stepped up to work alongside me even though you're always so busy helping elsewhere in the pack."

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