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Alex made a pack wide mind link about the impromptu meeting then asked John, Cal, Kara, Meg, and my Dad to meet in the office so they had a heads up.  Willow came along and pouted when she saw us waiting for them, her arms crossed and nose scrunched as she stood in the doorway.

"I missed you, Livvy," she whined, scampering to me while I scooped her into a hug.

"I missed you, too, Willow. Did you eat a good dinner?"

The sweet girl nodded as Kara looked at me with an anxious crease between her eyebrows. "You guys okay?"

I wasn't sure what to say and Alex let out a sigh, "I'll fill you in once everyone is here but our hand is being forced so I will let the pack know tonight that Olivia is my mate. Our Luna."

Kara's eyes widened and she looked between us, "Livvy? Are you okay with that?"

"We are committed to one another anyway.  This is just a way to protect our bond.  It would be great to catch my breath for a minute after all that has gone down but we don't have that luxury."

The rest of the crew arrived and my Dad immediately approached then pulled me into a hug.

He is nervous, but that makes sense.

Alex cleared his throat and looked around the room. "I am going to tell the pack that Olivia is my mate and our Luna. It's sooner than we wanted since our goal was to take our time so Willow adjusts but considering all that has been happening I need to be sure no one else tries to tear us apart.  Claiming Liv will protect our relationship."

"Does that mean you're marking each other tonight?" Meg asked carefully.

I shook my head, "The meeting will buy us some time so maybe we can have a conversation without interruptions or stressful situations. That's all I want, just the chance to spend time together."

Alex grinned then slipped his arm around my waist.  The move gave me comfort, especially when Willow hugged my neck tighter.  "After the meeting we will sneak away for a bit. Kara, are you okay handling bedtime with the little Princess tonight?"

She grinned, "We can have a movie night. Sound good, Princess?"

Willow nodded and reached for Alex so he took her  from my arms.

My Dad cleared his throat then asked, "So what can we do to help?"

Alex smiled softly while looking around the room a moment before reaching over to rub my back. "I appreciate you asking, Liam, but all we need is the chance to spend time together after the meeting. I had plans anyway and we will just go through with those then be back before too late tonight." He gazed down at me with a grin, "Training starts early and neither of us slept last night so we need some rest."

He asked the kitchen staff to bring us meals so we quickly ate dinner in the office while Willow colored at her small table by Alex's desk.  Once we were done I took our plates to the kitchen while Alex carried Willow, refilling her water bottle while I let out a long sigh.

Bonnie approached us and gave me a long look, concern in her blue green eyes.  "Are you okay, Olivia?"

I shrugged, while Alex came closer and let out a long breath.  "Thank you for your help earlier, Bonnie."

She offered a warm smile then brushed her golden blonde bangs from her forehead.  "You know I'm here for anything you need, Alpha," Her eyes met mine as she lowered her voice, "And Luna."

For some reason I wasn't surprised.  My instincts told me this woman is trustworthy and would help us protect the relationship we want to build. She has been essential to the pack for years.  Now Bonnie is offering herself as an ally for our relationship as well.

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