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The next few days were a busy blur of training, getting work done at the pack house, and starting to settle into our new home.

We have had a lot of younger couples or unmated warriors seeking to transfer to our pack. When I became Alpha we shifted how we handle these requests, allowing John and Callum to help vet possible new additions. This has always been something I enjoy, especially now that my mate is here and able to help lead.  Paperwork is annoying but focusing on the growth our pack has helps make it worthwhile.

Olivia did an archery class earlier today that I participated in, yet again blown away by how talented she is at everything she accomplishes. Callum warned me she was good, but I had no idea how true that is until I saw for myself. Her new bows arrived on Thursday so she was eager to break them in.

Seeing my mate focus on a target with her arms taut and shoulders squared made me even more attracted to her. She is a patient teacher, as well, working with those of us who had never used a bow and arrow before so we felt confident giving it a shot.

She grinned every time I made a stupid pun, too.

Kara offered to help get Willow's things packed for our move and kept an eye on her when we were busy.  My daughter loves time with her Aunt and I am thankful for the constant support my sister has been the last 2 1/2 years. I could not have handled being a single Dad without Kara.

By Friday I was ready to take a break, deciding to run patrol in the early evening so I could be back before Willow went to bed. Liv has been busy at the hospital, as well, thanks to meeting with both new and expecting moms every afternoon. We made a point to eat Breakfast and Dinner together but the rest of our time was occupied with everything we had on our plates.

Somehow it only made us closer, though. I always assumed when I met my mate we would be inseparable. The fated mate bond between two wolves is always strong but that is even more apparent between an Alpha and Luna. I miss Olivia when we are apart but in a way the time spent working separately meant we were able to focus on one another more effectively.

She is happy here. Our pack has welcomed my sweet mate with open arms, giving her the community she has always dreamed about.

"Okay, Willow, we have our snacks and your milk. What else do we need?" I asked while slipping into sweats.

We decided to watch a movie together on our last night in the pack house and let her stay up a bit late tonight. Liam was taking Bonnie out for dinner tonight. They spent a long time getting to know one another over the last few days and my mate was excited for her Dad to get a second chance.

Bonnie has helped run the pack house since I was a kid. She is a calming influence, especially after my parents died. It was sweet to see her blush as Liam entered a room and get flustered when he was sweet with her. Olivia is spending a little time with her now as she gets ready to go on a date, but will be back soon.

I can't wait for her to return. My mate has spent any extra time she has available getting settled into our new home. Willow loves "helping" so I was even more excited to move knowing how much work Liv has put into the transition.

"Hey!" She said with a grin when she returned to our room. "Ready for a movie, Princess?"

My daughter cheered as my mate joined us and rifled through one of our laundry baskets with clothes ready to move to our house so she could find something comfy to wear. "I'm just going to change a sec but want to cue up our movie?"

"Already set. Take your time, Livvy," I responded, standing from the bed while Willow flipped through one of her books.

She headed into the bathroom and I joined her, shutting the door behind me. "Can I help you, Alpha?" Olivia asked with her eyebrow arched.

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