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We finished most of the food Bonnie packed then I decided it was time to see how Willow felt about the house.

Olivia's suggestion of bringing my little girl to gauge her reaction was exactly what we needed to do.  I had never considered how she would feel.  I always assumed if I eventually moved it would just work out.

After talking last night I realized Willow deserves this.

She deserves the chance to ease into all the change happening around her.

I have been feeling conflicted about how everything has unfolded since Olivia arrived. She has handled herself with grace each step of the way but our goal of taking our time clearly failed. I wish it was different. I wish I could just steal my mate away and spend 2 weeks in a bubble relaxing while we talk about every part of ourselves.

The best we can do at this point is get to know one another when we are able while also spending plenty of time with Willow.

We got our blanket and the basket together then I reached down to lift Willow into my arms.

"So, Princess," I started, heart racing as I recognized how important this moment is.

I'm more nervous for Willow to see the house than I was showing Olivia.

She smiled with all the trust in her little body, "Yes, Daddy?"

"See the house right there?" I pointed to my right at the home I knew would be where I can finally start a life.

Willow nodded so I continued, "Would you like to see inside?"

She tilted her head with a furrowed brow and Olivia added, "You know how we live in the pack house now with all our friends, and how Miss Bonnie and the other sweet people make our food? Well we could live in a house like this and make our own food.  You could have a room and we'd have a kitchen where we eat together every day."

My heart warmed at her explanation as Willow processed everything.  "Where KayKay go?"

I made a mental note to let my sister know her niece was concerned about not seeing her as much the moment I broached this subject. That little fact will mean the world to her.

"Kara would come visit us here, plus you can visit her at the pack house, too."  She smiled at my response before I started walking to the front porch.  "Should we take a look?"

Now the excitement is palpable.

Willow gasped when she saw the porch, eyes carefully observing the stained glass door and leaning to peek through the windows. I set her down so she could walk up the stairs herself before I entered the key code and opened the door.

Now I can let my daughter take the lead. She had a wide grin on her face when she walked into house, turning first into the kitchen where she giggled.  "A frigator??"

Olivia met my eyes and stifled a laugh.  "Should we see what's inside?"

Willow nodded and opened the door then gasped at the food and drinks waiting for us. Liam had gotten a few things including snacks, drinks, and sandwich supplies. "Whoa..."

"Let's wash your hands a minute, Willow, then do you want a string cheese?" Liv asked gently.

Once the snack was unwrapped my little girl wandered around the main floor while she ate.  Liv explained how we would make food for ourselves and our friends here which Willow was extremely excited about.  I set our picnic basket down on the kitchen table then moved to my mate and pulled her into a hug.  "This was such a great idea, Livvy."

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