002 | when emma falls in love

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chapter two | when emma falls in love



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"'Cause she's the kind of book that you can't put down"

Florence's smile widened as she opened the door. Walker stood there standing awkwardly, waving slightly when the door opened.

"Hey Scobell," Flo greeted, suitcase in hand, backpack around her shoulders.

Walkers face was lit up by the Christmas lights that had yet to come down, colours bouncing around his face greens hightlighting his cheeks and reds reflecting off his forehead. His eyes shone through the rainbow on his face, deep blues that Flo could stare into for hours. A film scape showing the raging power of the ocean and its aesthetic beauty in one.

He stood on her door step, much like herself, in a hoodie and slacks. Hair curled perfectly, like it was just inviting her hands to run through them. Flo stared.

Walker smirked,

"Come on, McKay, let's go,"

Flo snapped out of her dase, blush coating her cheeks as she walked out of the house to his side. Walker stole her suitcase from her, running down the steps and toward the car, where a very happy Ava had her head poked out the window. 

"Ava!" Flo yelled, running down the driveway to give her best friend a hug. Well, sort of a hug. Just Flo wrapping her hands around Ava's head.

"Flo!" Ava called back, voice muffled by Flo's shoulder. She laughed, smirking at her with a look of 'i know something you don't know'. Which scared her, Ava had a scheming look, and it was straing right at her.

"You and Walker are in the back,"

Flo smiled, the blush creeping back, racing up her cheeck bones, till it reached the curtain bangs that fell on the ends of her face, they never seemed to curl perfectly, it annoyed her to no end.

"Ok, cool, three hours, yay,"

The drive from Flo's house to the airport was around three hours. They would then meet, Cooper, Leena's boyfriend, James, Ava's boyfriend and Tobey, Tanners friend. All 10 of them where headed to a small ski town in Canada for two weeks. 

Their flight left at 2 a.m. It was a short flight, only 5 hours to a small airport in Canada, followed by a one hour train ride to the village where they will pick up the car and drive to the lodge near the ski hill.

Flo nodded, fun, she and Walker were best friends. Why was she nervous?


Two hours in and Flo and Walker were talking animatly about percy jacksons release and the press tour they would both be going on when the holidays finished.

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