005 | bejewled

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chapter five  | bejewled



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"I think it’s time to teach some lessons;"

"Walker, wake up!"









"Yes. Wait. Florrie. Florrie. No."

Flo giggled, tugging at the duvet. She was pulling with one hand and balancing the grilled cheese in another.

"I have food, Walk. Get up and eat." Florence stared at him, glaring.

Walker's face was red. He was blushing.

"Ummm, yeah. Sure Florrie. I'm up."

"Walk, eat your food. Then you can go back to sleep."

"Yeah, cool, cool, cool."

Walker was dying inside. Florrie was so pretty. And she made him food. And sh-

"Walker. Eat."

"Yup. Eating."

Walker stuffed his face with a sandwitch.


Walker and Flo ate in a sort of awkward silence, whenever she tried to remove the awkwardness by smiling, Walker went red and ducted his head.

"Walker, look at me."

"I am looking at you."

"No your not."

Walker looked up staring directly into Flo's eyes. She laughted at him. She stared back.



Blue eyes.

Dreamy blue eyes.


Walker looking at her.


Blue ey-

"Ha! You blinked."


"You blinked. We were having a staring contest Florrie, right?"

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