003 | fearless

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chapter three | fearless



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"You take my hand and drag me head first

Walker looked up at Flo endearingly, his head was still rested in his lap, her hands curled around his hair. Her head was rested her pillow, hair fell down her face. She was asleep.

He had woken up twenty minutes ago, lying down on Flo's lap. He had woken up grinning. He loved her hands in his hair and her soft lap. He could lay here forever.

He liked her smile and her laugh and everything about her. Flo was his best friend. Dior had introduced them one day on set.

She just smiled at him.

He was a goner.

He liked her. Of course he did. She was pretty and gorgeous. She was smart. She was funny.

But its not like he was going to tell anyone.

Why would she like him?

She was perfect.

She looked pretty in the light. She looked pretty all the time. Her dark hair was soft and he reached his hands up, running his fingers through her hair. Flo stirred. Eyes blinking open.

Flo groaned. Lifting her head up looking forward and then down at Walker. She smiled at him looking up at her.

"Hi Walk," Flo whispered, detangling her fingers from his hair just to run them back through.

"Did you have a good sleep Florrie?"



"Mhm, how 'bout you?" Florence mumbled, smiling at him, hands running through his hair, almost sending him back to sleep.




"All passengers and cabin crew, please take your seats and prepare for landing."

Flo pulled her hand out of Walker's hair, she giggled at the look on his face. His nose was schrunched up and he looked as if he has pouting.

"Up you get, seatbelt on."

Walker groaned, but listened to Flo. He lifted his head off of her lap, sat up straight, fastened his seatbelt and dropped his head back on her shoulder.

"Walker, sit up straight. The planes about to land and we have to sit up straight so the plane doen't crash, and we don't explode and die before i get my first kiss."

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