Idiotic Hotel

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After a decade of being a dangerous overlord, they had to go into hiding since they felt murdering was getting tiring  and started to feel bad.

They started to live an average life in hell, one day as they walked by a coffee shop they once in a while visit, on a pole near it there was a childish hand drawn poster.

"The... Happy Hotel?" Y/n read to themselves. Rising one eyebrow looking at it.

The poster looks like it was drawn by a five-year-old who surprisingly has good hand control. pulling out their heavily decorated phone (They got it as a gift buy that isn't important-) to type the location in to see what is it about.

And also, 'redemption'? Y/n could make some use of that.


Y/n walked in front of the large doors. It's been a while since anyone saw the Ink Demon, like ten years?

Most people thought the overlord got killed by the angels at one point, and nobody found their body.

People had theories on how maybe the Ink Demon watches in the dark. Lurking behind the shadows waiting to rise again.

But that is not true, because the Ink demon themselves, Y/n is outside the Happy Hotel, a failure of a place.

They knocked at the door to a small tune of a song they heard often, The door gradually opened.

On boy! It was her, The princess of enteral suffering also known as hell in the flesh!

Charlie Morningstar!

She was quite shorter than Y/n by A LOT, She had blonde hair and pink cheeks, Charlie had her hair in a low ponytail, She wore a red suit and pretty extraordinary black heels.

"Pleasure meeting-" Y/n was cut off by Charlie slamming the door on them.

They heard chattering, and some yelling, some confusion, and groans in disappointment.

"Well, shit...-" Y/n mumbled nervously.

As they were about the go down the stairs, Charlie reopened the door.

"I'm sorry Miss or Mister or Um... Uh did you need something?" Charlie said polity while holding the large doors ever so slightly.

"Uh yeah, I saw a poster outside for this little hotel thing you got going on and thought to myself. 'Redemption sounds great' so I came here to do so," Y/n said while they were moving their hands while talking.

"Wait... You want redemption..?" Another short woman comes next to Charlie raising one eyebrow.

She had long white hair that covered one eye while having an X on top of said eye.

Charlie's eyes light up when Y/n mentions redemption.

Y/n put a hand on their hip. "Sure, but it's fine if you didn't want me here, I-" Y/N waved their hands in defense.

"No, no, no! We need more guests please!" Charlie steps away to let Y/n in.

Y/n bows a little while entering the hotel.

The hotel was pretty okay especially if it was made from the ground up, however, to explain.. it was shabby at best, the lobby was horribly decorated, most stuff was falling down or apart or ripped or in the same time.

On one of the red couches in this run-down lobby was the famous adult film star, Angel Dust.

Y/n saw him in some posters advertising himself, and other suspicious or sexual items from what they could guess.

Charlie started hopping around like a ball of energy.

(It was probably because Y/n was the only one so far that WANTED redemption and not a place to crash. Unlike SOMEONE.)

She ranted about how grateful she was for this hotel, how she was proud of them that they wanted redemption for their good, and her dreams and plans for this hotel. Y/n could not help but listen to Vaggie and Angel Dust whisper among them.


★📻RADIO INK✒️★ Alastor x Reader. Hazbin Hotel.Where stories live. Discover now