Those Rumors

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"Who's that?" Angel Dust leaned further onto the couch. Placing two out of four arms behind his neck

He crossed his legs. He looked over to Y/n, who was standing next to the beaming Charlie who was asking for poster ideas, and ways for Y/n to spread their talent throughout hell.

"You don't know Y/n?" Vaggie widened her eyes at Angel in shock.

Angel Dust shrugged unsurely, as well he rolled his eyes.

"The Ink Demon? The one who killed more than thousands of demons?" Vaggie pressed the words through her teeth to trigger some sort of memory to remember. At least jog something.

"I'm not into overlord drama," Angel said, looking at his gloved hands while rolling his eyes at Vaggie.

Vaggie got closer to Angel Dust and spoke quietly fear of Y/n listening in perhaps?

"Y/n was a danger to hell at one point, they were out of control of their abilities when they first came to hell. However, When they learned how to stabilize and use their powers, they fell inraged and went mad, attacking sinner in sight and way,

But after they got bored from killing they animated their killings for entertainment of some sort for all hell to see to watch, those animations videos were brutal to watch. With real audio behind, with the heavy breathing, screams, and splashing noise, burning skin...

They took over by storm, killing the overlords, the women, the men, the old and the young. No one was left with mercy.Till after a decade of terrorizing demons of all hell they faded away from existence. Nothing was left of them.

Their art and signs were the only thing left from them that sinners were able to find. Even so, they are untrustworthy and murderous at any given time. No one knows when will they be triggered again..."

Angel Dust blinked blankly. Point at Y/n with his head

"Y/n? Like Y/n right now, right here? Look at them," Angel pointed at Y/n and Charlie.

They both were arguing 'friendly' somehow, Charlie was drawing while Y/n was suggesting on every single, and complaining about tiny minor problems like tangents, colour pallet, and colour theory. So many trucking TANGENTS.

"Y/N, PLEASE! IT DOESN'T MATTER," Charlie begged as she eased for the thousandth time. Gazing at the already normal and basic-looking poster that had wrinkles and slight dents.

"OH YES IT MATTERS! I WOULD HAVE LOST MY JOB IF I LET THOSE SLIDE YEARS AGO!" Y/n quibbled, their ink was dripping from their face from the nerves. Just trying to latch onto hope.

"Toots, they are yelling at Charlie about art stuff, they ain't serious at all," Angel Dust rolled his eyes again while he pulled out his phone, opened his phone and scrolled through it.

Vaggie couldn't help but to smile at Charlie, even getting yelled out she still tried her best to make the never satisfied overlord happy. She turned around and mumbled "At least hopefully there won't be any more overlords."

"Just... Hopefully..." She then sighed.

★📻RADIO INK✒️★ Alastor x Reader. Hazbin Hotel.Where stories live. Discover now