Before Hell!

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Y/n dialled the numbers again but with more anger. Waiting for their voice actor named @#£%&, to pick up.

"Come on! You only have one job," Y/n mumbled. Hearing the phone ring endlessly without an answer.

Y/n slumped to their chair, putting their head in their hands that were slightly dirty and groaning deeper.

"It's fine! It's not like the only reason people watch my show nowadays!" They yelled annoyingly. Trying their best not to punch their already broken wall.

They stood up and walked to their large board with pictures, notes, doodles, and random arrows, strings, and pins.

Y/n was able to do an impressive 10 seasons and a bunch of episodes for each.

They stared at the board looking at each picture to make sure they hadn't repeated a name episode or an episode plot.

Y/n had a couch in their office. It was there only just to nap there, after hours of drawing. The couch was fairly comfortable. It was also Y/n's favourite colour, F/c (favourite colour)

They laid down. Their back ached once they fully stretched and made their back straight on the couch.

Both of their hands were covered with ink, and slightly red. Because they were  ambidextral (meaning they could use their right and left hands.)

They had dark grey circles under their eyes, as they had insomnia from a bad habit of staying up drawing episodes almost non-stop.

Their next due date is quite soon. They only had eight (8) months and nine (9) weeks.

They stared at the wall and light above them as they lay there helplessly.

Ring... Ring...

Y/n immediately stood up and ran to the phone.

"@#£%& I'm so sorry but please-" Y/n said nervously holding the old phone shakily. Y/n was interrupted by a voice.

"Woah, woah hun! Not @#£%&." Y/n's boss and guess Dad replied quickly.

Sighing, "Sorry, Drew... Just troubles, anything slightly better?" Y/n asked, trying to find any hope to attach on. They hardly could finish and their voice actor wasn't answering

Y/n heard a long pause from the phone "I'm sorry, but time is being a jerk, the due date has been shortened,"

"For everything holy, by just a week or something, yup?" Y/n started to tap their foot against the floor, crossing their fingers.

"Uh, how should I put this... I'm sorry but you have two (2) months and eight (8) weeks, I tried my best to ask for more time," Boss said in a sad tone.

"...Helpful, thanks, Drew..." Y/n closed the phone.

Six (6) months and one (1) week were subtracted from their original due date.

They grabbed the nearest pillow and screamed into it, almost breaking into tears, and making their throat horsed already

"GREAT. ABSOLUTELY PERFECT," Y/n whined, saying it sarcastically while smiling widely, not a 'cute' smile, or some genuine smile but insanely.


At this point, they had already lost it.

They locked themselves out of society just by drawing frames, maybe a silent episode? SINCE EVERYONE IS DEAD TO THEM.

Not leaving a second to step aside from the blinding lights, only doing so because their eyes started to sting and they couldn't hold the pain anymore.

Y/n thought deeply, poundering even and so they discovered a way to MAKE people to watch therefore easily be finished quickly enough!

They drew what was in their minds, just the most graphic, gore-filling, murderous-

Alright, you get the point.

They also drew messily, it was disgusting to watch as a normal person but honestly, Y/n was far beyond a normal person.

It was eerie.

The characters were smiling when they did these, with widened eyes.

A loud noise in the background that sounded like nails on a chalkboard, and heavy breathing.

There wasn't any colour except for black and white and many shades of grey but it was understandable what was flesh and blood.

{Time skip}

That one episode of hypnosis and injustice went crazy. People were addicted to the madness of that darn episode.

Y/n truly lost it afterwards. Like really lost it.

One day they decided to check the news, They opened the door outside of their studio, They froze when they saw colours, bright colours, And that sun that shined brighter than their future honestly.

They quickly bend down to pick the most recent newspaper.

Y/n scanned through the paper. It talked about how many people killed themselves after watching, locking themselves, hurt their loved ones or randos on the streets.

In an instant, Y/n felt a punch in their gut of regret and guilt, of course, it wasn't an excuse. They did unspeakable things.

But, they just thought about it more. Ten years ago they did cartoons for the fun of it. Now they are considered as the most fucked up cartoonist in Canada.

They ruined the whole industry of cartoons for generations to come. At least they went down in history..? And ruined the idea of Canada being all nice and stuff.


Y/n took finally a break. Their first and last break.

One eventful morning when Y/n was thinking about their incoming faith. The realisation hit them hard to say. They felt like complete trash.


They jerked when they heard the loud knocking on their door, "GET OUT WITH YOUR HANDS UP, Y/N L/N!" An echo bounced through the empty hallway and the locked door.

Y/n opened the door and accepted their fate for probably a lifetime in jail...



The police grabbed their arms behind their back and pushed them out of the house.

There was a large riot outside of their studio,

"FINALLY, BOO!!" A grown man yelled.

"GET RID OF THE DEVIL!" A way older pal shouted

"SHAME!" A young gal yelled

"YOU RUINED MY KID!" An older woman shouted

"YOU DESTROYED MY LIFE!" A group of protesters shouted.

Screams from a crowd outside their studio.

It's... Fine...


A public execution was arranged for Y/n, but a special one to fit the crime.


But... technically...



★📻RADIO INK✒️★ Alastor x Reader. Hazbin Hotel.Where stories live. Discover now