Charlie Time!

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I slammed my hands on the brown table angrily, ink dripping from my face.

"Again?" I mumbled to myself as I looked at the ink puddle where was my wrist resting.

I wouldn't be as upset any other time, but this time I was drawing! Ten whole hours and this must happen?

My control over my abilities weakened from a lack of killing sinners, I had much better control when I was using them every day to murder, However, Since I started this redemption era I couldn't kill per usual.

I wish I could find some loophole where may I murder at least one darn person.

I stood up, cleaning some excess ink from my wrists. Gloves don't work so well when the ink burns them.

I locked my hotel room and went down the stairs.

I saw Charlie first who was just lying on the couch and staring at the blank wall above.

"Need assistance, Chars?" I hopped around the couch to sit next to her peacefully.

She turned away and groaned.

"Do you think this hotel will fail..?" she sighs as she looks back at me for an answer.

"Nobody believes in my plan, Not Vaggie, not Angel Dust, and not Alastor," she replied, listing each name from her fingers.

I crossed my arms and leaned on the couch even a bit more.

I felt bad for her, such a creative mind yet no one can see.

Like a poem that no one seems to read.

"I do, it's going to take a long time to convince other sinners to do the same," I answered, trying my best to slightly dance around the question anyhow.

Charlie looked away for a moment, with her hands beside her body, "You can be honest with me Y/n, I won't blame you..." she said in a sad tone.

It destroyed my feelings, I mean, they weren't lying, there is hardly a chance that this little hotel will get more than five new people in the next ten years for sure!

"Charlie, look, this hotel is not a bad decision! And either is trying to save sinners from suffering," I smiled gently and patted her knee.

"I can't promise you that it's going to be easy, of course not! This is hell anyway, but I'm eighty per cent sure that after some rough patches, you will succeed with your little plan of yours," I tilted my head and smiled a little bit calmer this time.

"What even brought you to hell? You're so kind and supportive!" She laughed quietly and sat up and relaxed on the couch normally for once.

Sighing, "Not my best choices got me here, like everyone," I crossed my legs and leaned further.

"Like?" Charlie moved forward a little bit to look at me, I was silently shocked that she hadn't heard what I had done.

My words fumbled just a little bit, "Uh, forgery, murder, mass hypnosis," I listed a few and I guess what I was popular for.

She nodded, "I- I didn't mean to ask an insensitive question." Charlie quickly waved her hands quickly to apologize

"It isn't?" I asked her confusingly, is it really that insensitive to ask me?

she stood up as her face changed from a sombre expression to an excited one quite fast as she realised something.

That was fast-

"Oh! Oh oh oh! wait! I thought of something we could do as a group and something!" Her eyes sparkled as she jumped happily handing her hands.

I continued to sit with my legs crossed, but obviously, I didn't share the same excitement as Charlie as whatever she had planned.

She quickly asked "How about you teach an art class?" she smiled and waited for an answer from me.

"Really?" I sighed and stood up crossing my arms, "Do you really trust me to teach a bunch of people? Really?" I pushed her a tiny little bit. I stretched the Really for a while while I squinted my eyes concerningly.

"Um, Yeah? what would be the issue, Y/n?" She questioned back at me and shrugged.

I looked away for a moment to think and looked back, "uh, yeah, no problems, mhm," I blurted out nervously.

God, it's been years since the last time I taught people to draw, I lost all my presenting skills years ago.

"Great! Thank you thank you thank you!" She immediately hugged my waist almost my legs, She spoke ecstatically.

(Time Skip)~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Standing in an empty room with desks filled with the guests of the hotel with a board already filled with my anxious doodles to silently pass the forever longing darn time.

"So. do we have any questions for Y/n?" Charlie swigged her body a little bit, smiling as nervously as I did.

Angel Dust raises his hand while looking around to see if anyone else is.

"Yes?" Charlie pointed at Angel Dust, and Charlie waited for his answer.

He quickly asked, "UH, HOW DO YOU DRAW A, #### ##### ### and ##### #### while ###### ### ####### but the #### ###### ## ### #### # ### ### #####?"

The room went silent as Charlie clasped her hands, I facepalmed annoyingly.

"We don't-" Charlie was about to reply to the earth-shattering reply, but I stopped her from talking.

I then pointed at the door, "Get OUT- the door is there!"

"Come on Y/n-" Angel Dust was about to say something, "OUT," I exclaimed frustratedly.

He rolled his eyes, walked out of the room and headed to the door.

"you know what? This whole thing is over. You guys are free to leave" I said happily and clapped my hands.

All of them left. Leaving only I and Charlie in this darn room

"W- wh- what did he just say-?" Charlie blinked a few times confused. Still, she was processing what unholy earth Angel Dust just declared.

I smirked a little bit, "Art is subjective, I guess-" I chuckled and stood by.

"Does that happen often, You look unfazed?" She asked, tilting her head sideways.

I shrugged at the question, "Eh, you get used to it after the millionth 'Can you draw me' question." I decided to walk to my room but Charlie interpreted my walking by going in front of me.

"It's only three P.M, can you help me with just a few more favours..?" She asked again. Pushing the Es in her speech.


Later, she asked me to help her plan for some activities, which just included more forgiving, and how to be kind for the longest time.

And then you slightly became the third wheeler when Vaggie was done even whatever she was doing.


★📻RADIO INK✒️★ Alastor x Reader. Hazbin Hotel.Where stories live. Discover now