It's Icky

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Angel Dust jumps out of a red car.

"Thanks for the fun time hot stuff.~" the driver says in a booming voice.

"Yeah, yeah listen. Keep this discrete ya hear me." Angel says while brushing his hair upwards then immediately poke his head into the passenger's window.

"I can't let it get out that I'm offering my services on the street to randos! It was a quick cash grab. You got it?" he snaps all four of his hands to a check thingy.

The driver scoffs at the statement while looking away for a moment.

"Whatever you say SLUT." The driver then ugly laughs.

Angel steps back from the car. Placing his hands on his face "Oh OUCH" Angel turns around

"That's such an insult" Angel turns around again and faces the driver with one of his hands on his chest

"Let me know when you come up with something creative to call me, you sack of packet of horse shit!" Angel's arms point at the driver from the driver's window.

"Tell the misses I said hi ~" Angel gives a quick kiss to the driver

"Love ya" Angel chuckles while the driver mumbles some cruel words under his breath.

He rolls the windows up and drives off pissed. Immediately gets in a car crash or something-

Angel really could care less.

He looks over the vending machine that says DRUGS in all caps and underlines it a couple of times. It was hot pink.

Angel scans the options and then clicks on a button called AngelDust with Angel having a halo, and Dust having a heart.

An odd-looking sag of white drug drops. Angel bends down to pick up said weird-looking drugs.

Angel smirked at it, honestly, that's probably the best thing that happened so far to him anyway.

"YOIK!" A teenage demon robs Angeldust's weird-looking sag.

"HEY." Angel frowns and yells.

"UP YOURS DRAG SHOW-" The demon gets crushed by a random rock that randomly drops from the sky.

Again, Angel really couldn't care less. "Oh my god!" Angel yelled in panic. Does he finally get empathy?

"MY... DRUGS!" Nope. Uh... He did not.

"DAMN IT" He replies holding the empty sag.

Uh... Weird large bluckly ship in the sky with a bunch of guns and machines. Shooting randomly as we can tell.

"KYAAAHAHAHAHAHA" Oh great. A weird snake guy screams. Why does he have a bunch of eggs? Don't ask.

Cause I don't even know either.

"Those are the cowardly sinners! They're territorial (idk what he says)" The snake says evilly as you can tell by the hat.

"No other demon can compare to the likesss of I!" He smiles happily with pride in his creations.

And stretching the Sss sound...

Because he's a snake duh.

"Ah pretty gee! That was pretty swell boss!" egg number 23 says.

Because he's a boss pet like some NERD.

"Yeah!" "You really showed them that war. I liked it when you shoot them with your ray gun-" one other weird nerd egg replies with glee.

The snake guy slaps the weird egg.

"I wish he would shoot me with his ray gun..." the 23 egg says in NOT glee. Just sad.

★📻RADIO INK✒️★ Alastor x Reader. Hazbin Hotel.Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum