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"Ugh, she's so bitchy," Janis said at lunch after Phoebe told her about the close encounter she had with Regina in PE.

"You really have to get over this little crush Pheebs, it's not healthy and it's never gonna happen. She's for sure into guys." Damien sighed. Just then, the three turned around at the sound of squeaky shoes hitting the floor near their table and saw Cady standing there, unsure of where to sit and bewildered at the cafeteria scene in front of her. Rightfully so - there were band geeks making out with each other, jocks making sexual motions to each other, and the nerds were in a heated and loud debate over a question they were asked in maths. Cady, overwhelmed, speed walked out of the cafeteria with her tray and made a beeline for the bathroom.

After a couple seconds of mulling it over, the trio decided they would help the new girl and give her a run down of the school so they headed to the bathroom she had entered. Janis took the lead and knocked on the door while Damien said "Hello, are you okay? You've been in there a really long time."

"Yeah, we're concerned that you're doing drugs or something in there." Phoebe chimed in, earning a snicker from Janis. Slowly, Cady opened the stall door to reveal a pitiful sight; she was sat on the toilet with her lunch tray on her lap, slowly taking bites of her sandwich. The trio frowned in pity. "Hi! I'm Janis, and this is Phoebe and Damien. They're both almost too gay to function." Janis pointed to the others, who waved when their names were called. "Hi..." Cady trailed off nervously.

"We've decided that we are going to be super gracious and give you the low down on the cafeteria situation. So come on, grab your tray, and let's go!" Janis said and Cady followed her lead. They headed back to the cafeteria, where the trio pointed out all the different cliques at the tables.

"... And those are the plastics. Their leader, Regina George isn't here yet but watch out for them." Janis warned Cady. Regina then finally made her big entrance as if Janis uttering her name had summoned her. The cafeteria fell silent as she walked through the crowd to the Plastics table, where Gretchen and Karen were already seated. Phoebe couldn't take her eyes off her. "Is it just me or is she walking in slow motion?" Phoebe sighed longingly. Janis waved her hands in front of Phoebe's face, pulling her out of her thoughts. "Ummm have you already forgotten what a bitch she was to you literally only this morning?"

"No," Phoebe cleared her throat and sat back down at the table, finishing her lunch.

In the meantime, Cady had somehow wandered over to the plastics table and was talking to Regina herself. "Damn, she's got balls," Janis said, "you wish that was you over there talking to Regina right?" She laughed while Phoebe gave her the stink eye.

As the bell for next period sounded, Cady returned to the trio.

"Why don't you like Regina? She seems nice." Cady questioned.

"No, Regina is not nice! She's evil." Janice gritted her teeth.

"Yeah, back in like 5th grade Regina started a rumour that-"

"Damien, please." Janis cut him off, "Just she's really mean to everyone. Like she's in a situationship with Phoebe's brother Aaron and she's still rude to her."

"Wait, your brother is Aaron?" Cady asked, blushing slightly.

"Yup" Phoebe replied.

"Anyways, they said they want me to have lunch with them for the rest of the week." She said.

"Oh my god, you totally should! And then you can tell us all the dumb stuff they say!" Janis exclaimed.

"Yeah, and you can find out all their secrets, like who Regina likes and stuff!" Phoebe said excitedly. Damien and Janis turned to her and sighed.

"Whatever will we do with you, you obsessive weirdo?" Janis questioned, draping her arm over Phoebe's shoulder as they headed to class together.

World Burn - Regina George [COMPLETE]Where stories live. Discover now