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"Good morning, love."

Phoebe awoke the next morning to Regina staring from above her, gently stroking her arm in an effort to wake the brunette up.

"Oh, hey, how'd you get in her?" Phoebe groggily said, still half-asleep. Regina melted at Phoebe's morning voice.
"Aaron let me in. I was wondering if you wanted to maybe do something today?" She asked. Phoebe sat up, now fully awake.
"Yes yes yes! Like what?" Phoebe exclaimed. Regina grinned at her eagerness and faked cluelessness.
"Go get dressed! And wear something nice but comfy." Phoebe raised an eyebrow at the blonde, wondering what she had planned. Regina just grinned back, putting on her best poker face as to not give anything away.

Phoebe disappeared in her closet, then soon after returned back out in some baggy jeans and an oversized tee. Regina smiled at the girl, "Okay, lets go!" She took the brunette's hand and led her downstairs and out to her pink Jeep. They both hopped in, Phoebe in the passenger seat yet again. Phoebe still had no idea what was in store as Regina sped off.

The drive to this mystery place took 20 agonisingly long minutes and sent them up the mountain, to a lookout. Phoebe admired the view as Regina put the car into park with the back facing out near the cliff's edge. She then hopped out, motioning for Phoebe to stay seated as to not ruin the surprise. She opened the boot and Phoebe heard rustling as she moved things around, also folding the backseat down to make more room.

"Do you need any help?" Phoebe called out, feeling useless sitting there while Regina did all this work.
"No," Regina laughed, "but you can come here now!" With that, Phoebe eagerly climbed out of the passenger seat, walking to the back of the car. As she peeked into the boot, she saw blankets and pillows set up to make a bed-like structure with a picnic basket and Regina's laptop. Phoebe's face screwed up, overwhelmed with adoration for the blonde.

"Awwww, this is so cute!" Phoebe gushed, as Regina blushed.
"Get in and get comfy! We're gonna watch some movies!" Regina stuttered, obviously flustered and self-conscious about the effort she put in. This made Phoebe grin even more as she hugged Regina tightly, "Thank you."

"I thought that since we couldn't have any dates in public we could at least do this." Regina shyly said.
"It's perfect! I love it."
"I love you." Regina once again said. Phoebes cheeks burned red.
"I love you too," she said, as she stood on her tiptoes and planted a small kiss on the blonde's cheek. They then looked into each other's eyes adoringly for quite some time.

"Okay, lets get settled in!" Regina said, breaking the silence that had fell upon the two girls. Phoebe obliged, and hopped up into the boot, immediately settling into the several pillows piled up. Regina then took the spot next to her, laying on her side so she could look at the brunette. Phoebe then turned to her, smiling shyly. Regina smiled back, then said, "Okay, I was thinking we could watch Bring it On?" Regina suggested.
"Yes! Kirsten Dunst in that movie was literally my gay awakening!" Phoebe exclaimed, as Regina laughed at her eagerness. She then loaded up the movie on her laptop, placing it on her lap and pulling Phoebe closer. Phoebe rested her head on Regina's chest, cuddling into her. They stayed in this position the majority of the movie, occasionally laughing or huddling closer to each other when the winds atop the mountain picked up.

After the movie finished, Phoebe was quite hungry. Her stomach decided to make this known to Regina by rumbling loudly. Regina snickered as Phoebe grew self-conscious. "Good thing I packed snacks, then!" Regina said, pulling various containers and food bags out of the picnic basket; there was a selection of foods such as pastries, fruit, chips, popcorn, candy, and of course some chocolate covered strawberries - the most romantic of all foods. Phoebe smiled, her hunger growing at the sight of all the delicious foods.

"Yummm, I love you so much." Phoebe groaned as she stuffed her face with a pain au chocolat. Regina giggled, slightly blushing at Phoebe's confession.

"Hold on, keep that pose." Regina ordered, pulling out her phone. Phoebe did as she was told, grinning with her mouth full of pastry. Regina snapped some pictures of the brunette, grinning at her phone as she did. Afterwards, she then scrolled through the pictures she had taken, still grinning. Phoebe thought she looked cute like that, so she pulled out her phone as well and sneakily took a picture of Regina. Unluckily for her, her phone make a shutter noise when she took it, alerting the blond that she had taken a picture, Regina whipped her head up, looking at Phoebe in surprise.

"Did you just take a picture of me?" Regina asked.
"Maybe..." Phoebe trailed off, suddenly shy. Regina laughed at her, then lunging forward to playfully tackle her. They both laughed hysterically as Regina mounted Phoebe's torso like she had in that one soccer game, now tickling her sides. Phoebe writhed around, gasping for air.

"Stop, stop!" She breathed out, barely above a whisper as she wheezed. Regina obliged, smiling down at the girl lustfully. Phoebe looked up at her, eyes wide and breath heavy. Her eyes locked with Regina's; she stared deeply into the blonde's dark blue eyes, captivated by their deepness.

Neither were game enough to make the first move for a while, until Regina finally gave in and leant down, crashing her lips into Phoebe's. Phoebe immediately kissed back. Their lips moved in unison as Phoebe clutched Regina's thighs tightly. Regina rubbed her hands up and down Phoebe's waist under her shirt, which sent shovers down Phoebe's side. She then tugged at Regina's shirt, urging her to take it off. Regina sat back up, pulling her shirt off and revealing a black lace bra. Phoebe sighed dreamily, then sat up - Regina still on her lap - to do the same with her shirt.

Regina's eyes trailed down to Phoebe's bra-clad chest, staring lustfully. Phoebe leant herself against a pillow, not slightly sitting up underneath Regina. Regina then leaned down again, sloppily kissing Phoebe's chest. Phoebe's breath got heavier, relishing in the feeling of Regina leaving harsh hickeys along her chest. She grabbed Regina's butt tightly through her leggings, which made Regina flinch at first, then settle down again. This then made Phoebe gain the courage to flip the two over, so now she was on top of Regina.

(Use ur imagination idk I hate smut)

"Wow, you're really good at that." Regina complimented later on, when they had both gotten dressed and were admiring the view before them, "I think that was the best I've ever had." She gushed. Phoebe grinned proudly. Regina lay her head on Phoebe's chest, an arm wrapped around her waist. They sat in blissful silence, watching the sunset before them.


"Wow, I think that was the best date I've ever been on." Phoebe gushed as Regina drove them back down the mountain.
Regina grinned, "I'm glad you liked it. I think that was the most fun I've had on a date too." She winked. Phoebe blushed.

"Well, see you tomorrow?" Phoebe asked as she hopped out of Regina's car. Regina grinned back at her, "Definitely," she confirmed, "We've got extra important revenge work to be done tomorrow, I'll bring the book I was telling you about." Phoebe grinned schemingly at the girl as she waved goodbye. Regina waved back, watching Phoebe lovingly as she entered her house. She made sure that the door had been shut behind Phoebe before she sped away, half daydreaming about the day she had just had. She smiled to herself, God, I'm really in love with this girl.

World Burn - Regina George [COMPLETE]Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt