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The two girls lay back down in bed, too tired from last night to do anything else but rot. Phoebe lay her head on Regina's chest as Regina stroked her brown hair with one hand and held her phone in the other, scrolling through TikTok. Every now and then, the girls would laugh at a funny video but otherwise sat in comfortable silence.

A little while later, Regina's mom knocked on the door and opened it without waiting for a response, "Regina, honey? Want to go for a walk with me? I was thinking of also going to the gym! Oh, hi there..." She trailed off, forgetting Phoebe's name
"Phoebe, her name is Phoebe," Regina snapped, frustrated, "And no, can't you see were fine here?"
Regina's mom frowned, then exited the room, shutting the door behind her. Phoebe lifted her head up off Regina's chest to look her in the eyes, frowning at the blonde. Regina met her eyes, a confused look on her face.

"Why are you so mean to your mom?" Phoebe asked, "If I spoke to my mom like that I'd be dead."
"She's just so annoying and naggy, it's like she needs my validation or something." Regina rolled her eyes. Phoebe grinned in amusement at Regina's constant criticism of everyone around her.

"Do you want to do something today? Together, I mean." Regina asked shyly; being shy was the new norm for her when she was around Phoebe.
"Sure, like what?" Phoebe grinned.
"Maybe we could go to the mall? Have some lunch and do some shopping?"
"Sure, but I don't have any money..." Phoebe trailed off.
"Don't worry, my treat!" Regina replied. Phoebe smiled wider, excited.

They both hopped out of bed, sad to leave their warm and cosy spot. Regina pulled Phoebe into the closet, wanting help on what to wear. Phoebe sifted through Regina's large collection of clothes until she found a pink sundress. She pulled it out, saying "Oh my god, this will look so pretty on you!" Regina smiled, taking the dress from Phoebe's hands and beginning to take off her clothes. Phoebe bit her lip, watching intensely as Regina got changed. Regina noticed this and laughed, "Creep!" She said. Phoebe blushed.

Regina then sifted through her clothes again and pulled out a pair of black leather jeans (think the ones she wears when she's singing world burn in the movie) and a white crop top that says "I ❤️ ME" on the front. Phoebe laughed, amused that Regina even owned such clothing, and put them on quickly. They then both put basic shoes on and headed out.


As they walked into the mall, people from their school who were also there stopped and stared. Phoebe cowered, nervous at the amount of eyes on her. I'd better get used to this, she thought, now that I'm dating the 'queen bee'. Regina noticed Phoebe's uncomfortableness and looked down at her, shooting her a comforting smile before lacing her hand with the brunette's. She then looked back ahead, confidently strutting through the crowds with Phoebe hot on her tail.

"Is that Regina's top?"
"And her pants?"
"Are they dating?"
"Damn, I'd kill to be either one of them!"

People whispered as Phoebe and Regina passed them. "So, where do you want to go first?" Regina asked the brunette, stopping at a fork in the road.
"Ummm, I have no idea. I'm not so good at shopping, that's why I just wear the same old outfit every day: band shirts and jeans." Phoebe admitted. Regina grinned, getting an idea.

"Ooh, I know what we should do! Makeover! You have to look especially good now you're dating the 'queen bee'!" Regina said, doing a hair toss. Phoebe groaned, but agreed to it.

They walked into Urban Outfitters, Regina leading the way around the store. Every now and then, she'd grab an item of clothing off the rack and hold it up next to Phoebe, either shaking her head to handing it to Phoebe depending on whether she liked it. Soon enough, Phoebe was holding what felt like a tonne of clothes and headed to the change room. She tried on the clothes one outfit at a time, then doing a fashion show for Regina. Regina would then gush over how good she looked or sometimes shake her head in disgust. Phoebe laughed when she did this, "Gosh, you're so critical!"

After she tried on all the outfits, she was trying to figure out which outfit she should choose. Regina then said, "Why don't I get them all? God knows you need a new wardrobe."
Phoebe rolled her eyes at the snide remark, then sighed guiltily, "That's so much money though! I don't want you spending all that on me."
"Seriously, it's fine. My treat! Well, actually, my dad's treat but he lets me do whatever I want." Regina insisted.
Phoebe hesitantly replied, "Okay then..."

As Regina went up to purchase the clothes, Phoebe stood outside scrolling on her phone. Suddenly, a girl approached her, "Hi," the girl spoke.
"Hi?" Phoebe said, looking up in surprise.
"I couldn't help but spot you all alone here, and you're very attractive."
"Oh, uh, thanks?" Phoebe replied. The girl leaned in closer.
"So, you single?"
"No, she's not actually, so scram!" Regina, who had since approached, exclaimed. The girl looked over to the blonde in fear, mumbled a quick "Sorry" and bolted.

Phoebe laughed, "Oh, my hero!" She jokingly gushed at Regina, though Regina was still glaring ahead.
"You alright?" Phoebe asked, noticing the sour look.
Regina then snapped out of it and smiled quickly, "Yep! Just can't leave you alone for a minute before someone hits on you."
"Ugh, I'm just too attractive!" Phoebe joked. Regina smiled, then laced her arm though the brunette's, heading back on their way.

After a while more of shopping around against Phoebe's wishes, the two girls settled down at a small cafe near the food court. Phoebe, who felt bad about Regina spending all that money on her, decided to treat them to lunch despite Regina's protests; "Hey, you've spent all this money on me, the least I can do is buy food!"

Phoebe ordered a toasted sandwich and Iced coffee, while Regina ordered a black coffee and kale salad, opting for a healthier option. As they were eating, Regina kept pulling disgusted faces, unhappy with her food choices but still soldiering on. Phoebe, noticing this, asked, "Why don't I get you something else? That doesn't look very appetising."

"No," Regina snapped, then apologised, "Sorry, just I'm on a diet and I really need to stick to it."
Phoebe's eyes softened, "What? You definitely do not need to be on a diet! Your body is literally perfect and I love it the way it is."
Regina grinned slightly at the brunette, but still refused to order anything else. Phoebe frowned at the girl, but respected her wishes.

After lunch, they wandered around a little more, running into a piercing place. Phoebe gasped, "Wait, can we stop here? I wanted to get a new piercing."
"Okay," Regina said, "Need me to hold your hand?"
Phoebe smiled playfully, though she actually did. She was planning on getting a daith for a while but was too scared to do it until now.
"No!" Phoebe lied unconvincingly. She then walked into the parlour, Regina close behind. Luckily, they were able to squeeze her in right away and brought her back to the piercing room. Unluckily, there wasn't enough room for more than two people - as in the piercer and the person getting pierced - so Regina couldn't come in with them. Phoebe frowned, now slightly more anxious without Regina's support. Regina, noticing this, gave Phoebe a comforting smile and promised, "I'll be right outside once it's done!"

Phoebe clutched her freshly pierced ear as she walked outside where Regina was supposed to meet her. She frowned as she realised Regina was nowhere to be found. Just then, a pair of arms wrapped around Phoebe's waist. Phoebe jumped at the sudden contact and turned around, grinning when she realised it was Regina.

"Hey, how'd it go?"
"Good!" Phoebe replied, showing off her new piercing.
"Hot," Regina flirted. Phoebe blushed.
"Oh, also, I got you a little something." Regina said, handing Phoebe a small box. Phoebe looked up at her in surprised and appreciation as Regina exclaimed, "Open it!"
Phoebe obliged, and opened it up to see a gold necklace with a letter R charm. She smiled.
"So that everyone knows you're mine!" Regina explained, "And see, I got a matching one." She pointed to her neck, where she was wearing a gold necklace with the letter P on it.
Phoebe smiled widely, "Thank you so much, I love it!" She exclaimed, hugging Regina. She then immediately made Regina put it on, wearing it proudly around the mall for the rest of the day.


The two girls hung out at Regina's for the rest of the weekend, and were sad when they had to part ways on Sunday night.
"See you tomorrow!" Regina bid farewell as she dropped Phoebe off at her house.
Phoebe waved, a massive grin plastered on her face as she walked up her driveway, shopping bags full of new clothes in tow.

World Burn - Regina George [COMPLETE]Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin