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On Thursday, Cady sat with the Plastics at lunch once again. Regina, as per usual, was complaining about how much she needed to lose weight.

"Ugh, I ate like half my weight in pizza last night and the cheese made me so bloated." Regina sighed, grabbing at her stomach. Cady rolled her eyes; Regina had the perfect body, but was still desperate to 'improve'.
"You ate pizza? I thought you were on a diet?" Gretchen questioned.
Regina rolled her eyes, "I'm on an all-carb diet and pizza is a carb, god Gretchen you're so stupid." She deflected. Gretchen cowered.
"I like pizza, especially pepperoni." Karen thought out loud. Cady let out a soft laugh, amused by the dumb girl's behaviour. She then took this opportunity to undergo the first order of the mission. She pulled out one of her Kälteen bars and began to nibble on it.

"What's that?" Regina questioned, pointing a well-manicured finger towards the bar Cady was holding.
"Oh, it's just this Swedish bar that helps you lose weight. I'm so fat and disgusting right now so I've just been eating these. I think they're like illegal over here because of some ingredient that's in it."
"Interesting, bring me a whole box!" Regina ordered. Cady grinned, happy at the success of her plan.
"I have a box in my locker, I'll get it for you on the way to class."
"Great." Regina grinned.


After lunch, Cady walked with Regina to her locker and pulled out a box of the Kälteen bars, handing it to the blonde. Regina plastered a fake smile on her face, "Thanks!" She then strutted off to class.

Janis, Phoebe, and Damien, who were watching from afar, approached Cady after Regina was out of sight.
"Perfect!" Janis exclaimed, high-diving Cady. Phoebe frowned, somewhat feeling pity for Regina that she was being tricked.
Janis, noticing the sour look on Phoebe's face, asked "What's wrong?"
"Oh, nothing. Just I had pizza last night for dinner and it's seriously upsetting my stomach." Phoebe deflected. Janis pat her on the back, empathising with the lactose intolerant girl. Cady rose an eyebrow in suspicion, Regina - who would never be caught dead eating pizza - and Phoebe both had pizza for dinner? Interesting....

The final warning bell sounded and the three parted ways with Cady, heading to class. Phoebe made a mental note to warn Regina about the bars later that day.


Later that afternoon, Phoebe had her last after school detention with Regina. It was bittersweet, as she enjoyed spending this time with her but she also hated having to stay for an extra hour after school. Phoebe entered the door, greeting the supervising teacher with a smile.
"Good afternoon, Ms Samuels. It looks like it's your last detention today!" The teacher congratulated. Phoebe grinned, then headed to the desk next to Regina. Upon Phoebe sitting down, Regina started to pull Phoebes desk closer to her own, making a loud creaking noise. The rest of the class turned and stared at the two girls. Regina glared at them, "What? Do your work." She ordered. Phoebe snickered. Once the girls' desks were connected, Regina then asked, "Hey, did you want to go to the Halloween party tomorrow night? We won't be able to do like a couples costume but we could hang?"

"Sure, sounds great!" Phoebe grinned, "What should I wear?"
"Well, I'm gonna be an angel, obviously," She joked, "So you could do something similar to that, or something else. Just remember to look hot, though that won't be hard for you." She flirtily whispered, a shy smile creeping on her face. Phoebe giggled.
"Actually, can you come over to mine tonight to help me figure out a costume? I genuinely have no idea." Phoebe asked.
"Sure, I'll drive!"
"Great!" Phoebe grinned.


As they were dismissed from detention, both Regina and Phoebe rejoiced. They no longer had to spend their afternoons still at school and were free to do whatever they please. Regina drove her and Phoebe to Phoebes house, and surprisingly let Phoebe choose the music. This was a first for her, as she had an adamant rule with Gretchen and Karen that she was the only one who could choose the music.

As they pulled into the driveway and got out of the car, headed to Phoebe's front door, they heard Aaron yell out "Hey, lovebirds!" from his usual spot at the front window, where he liked to survey from.

Regina blushed and scoffed as Phoebe yelled out, "Shut up dickhead!"
Aaron laughed, knowing he got a rise out of his younger sister.
As soon as the two girls made it inside the house, they made a beeline for the stairs, heading up to Phoebe's room before Aaron could tease them anymore. "Does he know what happened?" Regina asked as Phoebe shut her bedroom door.
"No, he's just a ratbag. I didn't tell him anything he sorta just assumed?" Phoebe admitted.
"Well, can he keep a secret?"
"Yep, I'll make sure of it." Phoebe said, raising her fist threateningly.

Phoebe hurriedly tried to make her bed look more presentable, then motioning for Regina to sit down. Regina obliged as she watched Phoebe race around her room, picking up clothes and clutter that weren't where the should be. Regina laughed, amused by Phoebe's need to make her room more presentable for her.

Then, Phoebe sat down on the bed next to Regina. They sat there in an awkward silence for a minute or so before Phoebe leapt back up, turning her speaker on to play some background music.
"So...." she then trailed, "Please help me, what do I wear?" She pleaded to the blonde. Regina grinned and also hopped up, walking over to Phoebe's closet. When she opened it, she was met with what seemed like thousands of different band tees, ranging from Britney Spears to King Princess. She laughed, amused by how much Phoebe's personality shone through every aspect of her life; she was actually a bit jealous that Phoebe could be so authentically herself. Regina pulled out a corset top and a mini pleated skirt, surprised that Phoebe even owned such clothing.

"Why don't you try these? And then maybe these stockings." She said, handing Phoebe the items of clothing and then some fishnets.
"Okay..." Phoebe trailed off, then leaving the room to change. In the meantime, Regina sat down again on the bed, retrieving one of the Kälteen bars that Cady had given her. Before opening it, she inspected the outside for an ingredients list; unfortunately, it was all in Swedish. She then decided she would risk it, putting her blind faith in the innocent Cady. She opened the package and began to nibble on the bar.

Not even a minute later, Phoebe reentered the room. Seeing Regina munching on the Kälteen bar, she yelled "No!" and lunged at her, knocking the bar out of Regina's hands.
"Whoa, what was that for?" Regina asked, shocked at the brunette's sudden actions.
"Uh, well," Phoebe started, "Cady gave you those bars and tricked you into thinking you'd lose weight so that you'd eat them. But actually, they make you gain weight like crazy. And anyways, you don't need to lose weight, you're literally perfect."
Regina harshly swallowed what was left in her mouth, then threw the bar across the room in anger; she felt like screaming.
"Why would she do that?" She exclaimed angrily.
"To be honest, I don't know why they want to by Cady, Janis and Damien have this plan to like 'take you down', which mind you I have nothing to do with! And they want to sabotage you and play on your insecurities."
Regina fumed, quickly coming up with ideas on how to get them back.
"Please don't tell anyone I told you that, Janis will then turn on me! You know how she is, she holds grudges like crazy." Phoebe pleaded. Regina sighed, and then nodded her head.
"Fine! But you have to tell me about anything else they plan!"
"I will, I promise! And don't eat anymore of those bars, just make up an excuse that you didn't like them or something."
"Or, better yet, I pretend like I did eat them all and complain about gaining weight and stuff, making Cady believe it's working!" Regina countered.
"Yes, that's perfect!" Phoebe exclaimed.

"Anyways, you look really hot in that costume. You should totally wear it." Regina said, placing a hand on Phoebes thigh. Phoebes cheeked burned red.
"What do I even say I am?"
"Just say like a sexy pirate or something." Regina said, leaning in closer to Phoebe, eyes closing slightly in preparation to kiss. Phoebe immediately kissed her back, deepening the kiss by bringing their torsos closer together. Just before they were full on making out, a buzz sounded from Regina's phone in her jean pocket.

"Oops, sorry. That's my mom." She groaned. "Ugh, she's so annoying! She says I have to come home for dinner. See you tomorrow I guess." Regina hopped up from Phoebes bed, grabbing her bookbag and waving goodbye to the brunette, leaving through the door.
"Oh, okay, bye!" Phoebe called after her, her face still flushed from the kiss.

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