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Aaron again didn't get the chance to talk to Phoebe as Janis had begged her to stay over.Aaron grew more impatient, knowing that Janis and Cady were basically brainwashing Phoebe. He grew so impatient that he decided he would take it into his own hands and drove to Janis'.

He rapped on the door, Cady answering it. "Oh! Hey, Aaron. Why are you here?"
"I'm here to pick up Phoebe, it's a family emergency." He lied.
"Oh, well we're a bit busy right now, I'll see if she can come down." She then disappeared, closing the door behind her. Aaron waited outside for ages before realising she wasn't coming back. He scoffed, and decided to call Phoebe, to no avail. He then drove back home, deciding he'd put it off because he literally couldn't get through to Phoebe right now.


The next morning, Phoebe dropped back home before school to get changed. "Wait," Aaron told her.
"Sorry, I'm busy. Gotta go, or I'll be late!" She said, mouth full of toast as she speedwalked to the front door. Aaron sighed; this was proving to be trickier than he had thought it would be.


At lunch, Regina yet again approached the table, looking even more dishevelled than the day prior. She once again begged for Phoebe to talk to her, which Phoebe ignored at first but eventually gave in when she noticed how distressed Regina looked. She followed Regina to the bathrooms, locking themselves in a stall together. Phoebe crossed her hands expectantly, waiting for Regina to speak.

"Please, P. You've gotta believe me - I didn't cheat on you!" Regina pleaded, searching Phoebe's eyes for any feeling.
Phoebe sighed, "How can I believe you? Aaron told me that you did, and I trust him."
"Did he tell you who told him?" Regina asked, Phoebe shook her head in response. Regina then continued. "Cady did. Do you really think she's a reliable source."
Phoebe thought for a second, "Well, she and Janis are my friends and they wouldn't lie to me."
Regina raised an eyebrow in reaction to the brunette's ignorance, "Please, you can't seriously believe her after that shit she pulled on Halloween! She's obviously still in love with you, and would stop at nothing to break us up!"
Phoebe put the pieces together, then mentally slapping herself about how she believed Cady in the first place. She still had her doubts though as Regina had a reputation for being unfaithful.
"But, still, I don't know who to trust. You have cheated on other people before."
Regina's eyes softened, tears welling up, "I know, I know. I've cheated before but you have to believe me! I've changed and this relationship is different; I've never ever felt this way for anyone before! Why would I throw that all away? I love you, Phoebe." She confided, eyebrows in knots as she looked into Phoebes eyes desperately.

Phoebe's eyes softened at Regina's sincerity, putting her full trust back in the girl after her extremely personal confession. She knew Regina was definitely not the type of girl to say that she loved someone when she didn't; she made sure the people she disliked knew and so did the people she liked. She also blushed, knowing she felt the same way. She hugged Regina, who immediately hugged back and rest her head on Phoebe's shoulder, tears spilling out. "I'm so so sorry that I didn't trust you. That was shitty of me, I didn't even give you a chance to say your side of the story. I love you too." Phoebe admitted shyly. Regina was silent in response, her head still resting in Phoebes neck and glad that Phoebe was finally in her arms again. They stood like this for quite some time, relishing in their rekindling romance.

As they pulled away quite some time after, Phoebe spoke again, "I'm gonna kill Cady." She threatened. Regina smiled at the brunette and softly laughed. "No, don't. We've gotta get them back. They've fucked with us too much." Phoebe grinned at the vengeful blonde, glad that her mood had now lifted.

"Okay, so what do we do?" Phoebe asked. She could almost see the cogs in Regina's brain moving as she thought of an idea.
"Okay, so first you have to act as if nothing's wrong, okay? Can you do that?"
"Yup." Phoebe responded.
"Good. Pretend as if you're still mad at me so they don't catch on and then you should lead Cady on, thinking you're into her."
"That's evil!" Phoebe's eyes widened.
"I know." Regina smirked.

"Then, I have this book that Gretchen, Karen and I wrote literally years ago but Cady has now contributed to and I'll frame Cady, making people think that she's the bad one."
Phoebe nodded in excitement, glad the old Regina was back. They intended to put their revenge plan into action immediately.

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