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The next morning, Janis, Damien, Phoebe and Cady met up in the hallway before school to discuss further plans.
"Shouldn't you hold off for now? I mean, she's probably barely tried the bars yet." Phoebe said, trying to defer the others from doing anything at least for the next little while.

"True." Janis agreed, Phoebe was relieved. "Do you guys wanna come over to mine tonight and watch scary movies?" She offered, since it was Halloween.
"I can't sorry, I have to be Aaron's designated driver for this party tonight." Phoebe somewhat lied.
"Me neither, Aaron invited me to the party." Cady also said.
"I still can't get over how you like my brother." Phoebe cringed. "Like, you'd be cute together I guess, but as someone who has to live with him it'd be against my morals to let you put yourself through that." Cady fake smiled at Phoebe; her resentment for Regina grew over the days, she planned to make her move at the party tonight, knowing Regina would be too careful of her image to actually hang out with Phoebe.


In PE, Regina asked again if Phoebe was going to the Halloween party to make sure and Phoebe replied with a nod. Regina smiled, excited for the night.

"Do you need a lift there or home?" The blonde asked.
"No thanks, I'm heading there with Aaron and Cady. But, I might need a ride home depending on where the night takes us." She hinted.
"Be careful of that Cady, I'm pretty sure she has like a massive crush on you. She's always staring at you and is jealous towards me. Come to think of it, that's probably why she's trying to take me down, so she has you all to herself." Regina thought out loud.
"Pfft," Phoebe scoffed, "She doesn't have a crush on me. She has a massive crush on Aaron, she told me herself! And she probably wants to take you down because he's 'your property'." She put air quotes around the last two words.
"Not anymore he's not. I've moved onto the hotter Samuels sibling now." Regina flirted and nudged Phoebe's arm. Phoebe grinned, flustered at Regina's flirtiness.


Soon enough, it was time for the Halloween party. Phoebe raced around the house in a panic, frantically looking for a prop for her costume.

"Whoa, slow down!" Aaron laughed as Phoebe zoomed past him.
Phoebe halted to a stop, "Have you seen the foam pirate sword anywhere? I need it for my costume."
"Aye, matey! It be in the kids costume storage box in the attic." Aaron said in a pirate impression.
Phoebe just snickered at her cringey older brother, "Thanks!"
"No problem! Oh, and we leave in 5 minutes, kapeesh?" Aaron yelled after her.
"Yeah, yeah." Phoebe shouted as she entered the attic.

Luckily, the costume chest was near the front as they had recently lent some of the items to their younger cousins. Phoebe ransacked the chest, searching for the foam sword she needed to complete the pirate look. Finally, she found it and pulled it out, then haphazardly returning the things she had pulled out back into the chest. She raced downstairs, where Aaron had already begun walking out of the front door, and quickly followed, locking the door behind them.

For once, Phoebe drove. They first headed to Cady's house as Aaron had promised her a ride. Phoebe honked the horn as they pulled up, followed by Cady quickly emerging from her front door wearing an intricate costume, complete with an old wedding dress and wig. "Wow, you look great! Very scary!" Phoebe complimented, as Aaron pretended to be jumpscared. Cady grinned.

"So do you, Phoebe! Are you a pirate?" Cady complimented back.
"A sexy pirate." Phoebe replied in a sultry voice, giggling and posing 'sexily'. Cady blushed; luckily, no one could see through her thick layer of white face paint.
"Wait, what are you supposed to be Cady?" Aaron asked.
"Oh, uh, an ex wife." Cady stuttered, embarrassed at her choice of costume compared to Phoebes.
"Oh, hahaha! I get it! Good one!" Aaron said.
"Thanks." Cady replied.

World Burn - Regina George [COMPLETE]Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat