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Phoebe and Regina were of course the first to arrive at Regina's house. They wanted to use this time alone to their advantage, so they raced inside, completely ignoring Regina's mom yelling out after them and ran up to Regina's room.

As soon as the door was shut, Regina pushed Phoebe down on her plush bed and fell on top of her, connecting their lips. Phoebe kissed back, grabbing Regina's torso and pulling it closer than it already was to her. Regina's hands cupped Phoebes face as she deepened the kiss, forcing her tongue into Phoebe's mouth. Phoebe, surprised by this, accidentally bit down hard. Regina pulled away, holding her mouth, "Ow! What was that for?" She groaned. Phoebe grimaced.
"Sorry, just wasn't expecting that." She apologised.
Regina rolled her eyes, then smiled, "It's okay, I guess. But don't do it again that really hurt. Unless you're trying to be kinky?"

Phoebe's face flushed red, "No, no. It was an accident and it will not happen again, I promise." Regina smirked at how flustered Phoebe had suddenly gotten, it was cute. She then headed to her drawers and pulled out two almost identical pairs of pyjamas, handing one to Phoebe. Phoebe pulled her shirt off, replacing it with the silky pyjama top. She then stood up to take her pants off, replacing them with the bottoms. Regina had done the same and was grinning at the girl, waiting for her to be done. Phoebe then moved closer to Regina, leaning in to kiss her. Regina backed away, placing a hand on Phoebe's chest, "Nuh-uh. My tongue still hurts from you biting it."

Phoebe groaned, "I'm sorry! Please, just kiss me." She frowned. Regina just shook her head, grinning. Phoebe pulled a hurt face at Regina, who refused to budge.

Just then, the doorbell rang. Regina and Phoebe headed downstairs to greet their friends, though Regina's mom had gotten to the door before they could. Her mom opened the door, revealing Janis and Damien in plaid pyjama pants and oversized shirts. "Oh! Hi, Janis. Long time no see!" Regina's mom greeted to Janis, who smiled politely; Regina grimaced - she had rarely seen the girl smile, "And who are you?" Regina's mom asked Damien.

"Oh, I'm Damien! I'm Janis and Phoebe's friend." He greeted, sticking his hand out for Regina's mom to shake.
Regina's mom ignored it, instead asking, "And why are you at an all girls hangout?"
Regina shot her mom a look, embarrassed by her questions, "God mom, who cares?"
"Girl, I'm gay." He sassily said, doing the 'gay' motion with his hand.
Regina's mom was taken aback by his boldness, "Oh, okay!" She stuttered, then stood aside to let them inside.

Regina then led the two plus Phoebe upstairs. Damien dramatically gawked at the various luxurious paintings and pieces of furniture in the halls. Phoebe laughed at how over the top he was acting. Regina smirked as well. Then, she opened the door and revealed her room.

Damien's jaw dropped, "What the hell? This is all yours?"
"Yep!" Regina grinned, in a slight bragging tone.
"Wow, it really hasn't changed." Janis said, walking around and looking at the various trinkets that we're lying around. Her eyes then fell on the bear on Regina's dresser; it was a matching bear to the one Regina had given Janis when they were friends as a way of coming out. A wave of guilt rushed over the girl as she thought back to that time. It was as if her brain had blocked out parts of the memory until then, and she was finally reliving it in full. She then understood why Regina felt the need to start up a rumour about Janis: it was to protect herself after Janis had deeply hurt her. She grimaced, feeling incredibly guilty.

Regina noticed Janis' eyes on the bear and marched over to her, grabbing the bear off the dresser and shoving it in one of the drawers out of sight instead. Janis made eye contact with Regina and mouthed "I'm sorry." Regina just sighed and shrugged in response; she knew it was years ago and she shouldn't still be hurt but it was because of Janis that she had taken so long to come to terms with her sexuality, so she didn't really feel like forgiving her. The girl had caused years and years of pain and insecurity, only to then go and ruin the one good thing going on in her life by breaking her and Phoebe up based on a lie. Janis stared at the girl, a sorry feeling etched in her face.

Regina looked away when she heard the doorbell ring; Karen and Gretchen we're finally here.


The six sat around on various pieces of furniture in Regina's room, with Phoebe and Regina snuggled up under the covers in the middle of Regina's extremely large bed. They decided to watch 10 Things I Hate About You, because that was the only movie no one had an issue with. Karen and Gretchen were sprawled out on Regina's couch together, Karen's head rested tiredly in Gretchen's lap as Gretchen brushed her hands though her hair. This feeling made Karen incredibly sleepy, and soon she fell asleep. Gretchen, noticing this, smiled down at the girl.

Regina saw this, and awwwed to herself, pouting. She was ecstatic her friends were dating, she had seen the slight romantic tension for years, and was glad they were acting on it. She grinned to herself, then buried her head in Phoebe's chest. Phoebe laughed at Regina's unusually soft behaviour, and ran her hands through the blonde's hair. Regina moaned in comfort, "Keep doing that, it feels really good."

Janis then exclaimed from her spot on the ground beside the bed, "Ew, are you guys fucking up there?"
Regina's head shot up, "No! She was giving me a head massage and it felt really good!"
"Wait, but I thought you hated people touching your hair?" Gretchen asked. Regina rolled her eyes, caught.
"Awww, am I the exception?" Phoebe gushed. Regina blushed, and nodded. Phoebe then pulled her in again, placing Regina's head back onto her chest and tangling her hands in her hair. Damien gushed, "Awww. You guys are such couple goals. I wish I had someone to treat me like that."
"Hey, trust me. They don't come around very often." Regina said, turning her head to face him. She was tactfully uplifting Phoebe by saying that. Damien pouted, "You guys are so cute!"

"Speaking of couples, are you guys going to the Spring Fling together?" Gretchen inquired, careful not to wake up Karen, who was still sleeping soundly on her lap.
Regina looked at Phoebe, smiling, "Well, do you want to? I know it's a while away still, but we should lock it in now and then start looking for matching outfits!"
"Of course!" Phoebe replied, ecstatic.
Regina shot Phoebe a grin and hid her face back in her girlfriend's chest, she had never felt so comfortable and content. She wished that this moment would last forever.

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