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Over the next few weeks, everything settled down and mostly went back to normal, though something had shifted. Janis and Damien now joined Phoebe in sitting at the Plastics table, which was monumental for the school; never did anyone think that Janis and Regina would sit together after their falling out, let alone the art freaks combine with the Plastics.

"So, are we doing 'Rocking around the pole' for the winter talent show again?" Gretchen asked Regina one lunch.
"Yep," Regina said as Janis rolled her eyes. Regina turned to Janis, asking "What?" There was still a little bit of tension between the two girls; Regina still wasn't over what happened in grade 7 where Janis invalidated her sexuality. "You guys do that every year, can't you do something new for once?"
"No. And besides, it works every year!"
"I think you'll do great! the dance is so sexy." Phoebe flirted, making Regina blush and smirk. They grinned at each other until they were abruptly interrupted by Janis making a gagging noise. Regina turned to Janis and rolled her eyes, "You know, you don't have to sit with us if you don't want to." She offered.
Janis quickly shook her head, "No, that's all good!" She backtracked; she was desperate to do anything to make it up to Phoebe, so she agreed to sit at the Plastics table despite her dislike for them.

Regina smirked; she now had power over Janis because she knew the girl would do whatever to make Phoebe happy in hopes of repairing their relationship.


A week later, it was the night of the Winter Talent show. It was only Janis and Phoebe sitting together as Regina, Gretchen and Karen were doing their performance and so was Damien.

Damien was up first, singing a French rendition of the Icarly theme song. Phoebe and Janis whooped and cheered as he sang. He had only done it for the extra credit, but in Phoebe and Janis' opinion he knocked it out of the park. He took a dramatic bow as Phoebe and Janis stood up to give him a standing ovation. Some people joined in. Damien grinned and curtseyed as he confidently walked off the stage.

Then, it was Kevin G's turn. Phoebe and Janis rolled their eyes at his vulgar lyrics, but many people around them seemed to thoroughly enjoy it.

Soon enough, it was time for Regina and her friends to dance. Phoebe sat up in her seat, watching the stage intently.

The curtains lifted, revealing the three girls in sparkly red tube tops and mini skirts, with long black boots and a santa hat. Phoebe's jaw dropped, in awe of how amazing her girlfriend looked. Janis, noticing this, snickered.

The music started up as the three girls formed a row, Regina in the middle. In synchronisation, wrapped their arms a pretend pole, making sexual movements with their hips to pretend to be dancing on a pole. Phoebe gawked at Regina, wondering how she had pulled someone so attractive. The crowd whooped and cheered at every motion, likely thinking about how jealous they were of Phoebe.

The rest of their extremely sexual routine  - which Phoebe wasn't complaining about - went without a hitch and received a standing ovation from the whole school. Regina smugly bowed and the three strutted off stage.


After the talent show was over, Phoebe and Janis met the other four back stage.

"Oh my god, Damien! You were amazing!" Phoebe raved as the other four girls agreed, even Regina.
"Thank you," he curtseyed, relishing in the compliments.

"So, what did you think of ours?" Regina asked Phoebe.
"I loved it! Never gets old."
"She was practically drooling over you the whole time! I've never seen her so focused on something before!" Janis laughed. Regina smirked, turning to Phoebe.
"Were you now?"
Phoebe blushed, nodding. Regina gave her a teasing nudge.

"Okay, do you all wanna get some fro-yo?" Karen asked, inadvertently changing the subject. The others nodded, hungry, and headed out to the student carpark.

"Hey, you come with me!" Regina ordered Phoebe, who obliged and bid farewell to the others then following the blonde - who was still in her dance costume - to her car.

"You know, you should wear this costume more often. It's sexy." Phoebe boldly flirted as they reached the car, stopping outside for a second.
Regina snickered, "Oh, yeah?" She said, moving closer.
"Yeah," Phoebe replied, leaning in and closing the gap between the two. Phoebes hands blindly explored Regina's sequin-clad torso as Regina tightly held Phoebe's waist. Their lips moved in unison, both becoming breathless quickly.

"Ew." A familiar voice groaned from beside them. Both girls turned their heads to face Janis, who was stopped next to them in her car along with Damien.
"Oh keep driving." Phoebe waved her off.
Janis obliged, yelling "Just hurry up! I want fro yo and I'm not waiting until you guys are done banging to have some."
Phoebe and Regina rolled their eyes, sharing a look. Regina quickly pecked Phoebe's lips then moved away, opening the passenger door and motioning for Phoebe to get in.

"Wow, how chivalrous." Phoebe laughed. Regina just bowed, heading over to the drivers side and hopping in, then swiftly driving away.

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