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Cady then turned around, spotting Gretchen looking at the two girls with jealous eyes. Then, she decided to approach her with a proposal.

"Hey, I know how we can get them to break up." Cady greeted.
"What are you talking about?" Gretchen asked, pulling a confused face.
"You have a crush on Regina right? Well-"
"I don't have a crush on Regina!" Gretchen squawked defensively. Cady sighed, then continued.
"Well, Anyways, I have a crush on Phoebe and I know how we can break them up."
"I'm listening," Gretchen said, raising an eyebrow in intrigue.
"I'll convince Aaron that Regina is cheating on Phoebe, that's bound to make him angry enough at Regina to tell Phoebe about it and break them up. I mean it doesn't sound unlike Regina to be unfaithful."
"Perfect," Gretchen grinned, "Also, if he asks who, say Madison Kerr. That's her SAT prep tutor who she spends all her free time with, it'll make it even more believable." They then parted ways, as if nothing happened. Cady prepared to put the plan into action as she headed to AP math.


Cady was sitting in her usual seat behind Aaron, staring at the back of his head trying to think of what she was going to say. She tapped him on the shoulder once but he ignored her, still pissed. She quietly begged, "Please, it's important. It's about Phoebe and Regina."

"What?" He turned around, glaring at the redhead.
"Regina's cheating on Phoebe. Please, you have to warn her!"
"With who?"
"Madison Kerr, her SAT tutor. Gretchen told me."
Aaron slowly nodded, putting the pieces together in his head: he had is suspicions about Madison when he and Regina were together, but brushed them off. Now that he knew she was into girls, it didn't seem so far fetched.
"Oh, okay. Thanks for telling me."
Cady grinned at him, glad her plan was seemingly working.


That afternoon, Aaron was kind enough to give Phoebe a lift home. "Uh, Pheebs?" He started halfway through the drive home, "I need to tell you something."
"What?" Phoebe asked, surprised he was done with giving her the silent treatment.
"Um, it's about Regina. I'm really sorry Ph-" He began to say before Phoebe cut him off.
"What?" She asked again, more concern in her voice.
"She's cheating on you."
Phoebe gasped, feeling like she was slapped in the face.
"Who told you this?" She asked.
"It doesn't matter," he responded; if she knew Cady had told him then she would immediately not believe it.
"With who?" She asked.
"This girl named Madison Kerr. She's her SAT tutor or something," Aaron replied, "Listen, Pheebs, I'm really sorry. I know how much you liked her." He said, turning his attention to her and placing a comforting hand on her shoulder while Phoebe sat there fuming, tears forming in her eyes.


When the two siblings returned home, Phoebe immediately stormed up to her room, slamming the door behind her. Aaron looked up at her pitifully. Phoebe flopped down on her bed, pushing her face into her pillow. Then, her phone buzzed.

Gina 💖

Hey, P. I didn't see you after school. You get home okay?
Read 4:00pm
Wait, why'd you leave me on read? Is something wrong.

I don't know, you tell me.

What? I don't know what you're talking about.


Phoebe decided it was better to confront Regina face to face, but she still couldn't help being a little passive aggressive. She then turned her phone off, throwing it onto her bed before Regina had a chance to message back. She then groaned into her pillow; what was perfect for a week had already come crashing down.

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