The baby is here

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Big shout out to theses amazing people for my first hazbin hotel fanfic 🎉

Whirlfay, taki_nee_chan, Kisalisa, lilacioclem, MegaArmor, LameDuck23, SpiritTheMoron, MainRennamon, Kassxv, AdrianaN3, SpaceCatUni, kimi107, Benantifan1, SavvyDevine666, Kjb_fan, Dhuarius, SamNinja18, Elouizg, and 11 guests

Wattpad: number0715, howler0329, matthewbickle and ramidjo3
(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text
She looked over at Lucifer , who was still sleeping, apparently not having been disturbed by her labored breathing. He looked so peaceful, and the way he snored lightly was adorable. Normally, seeing him like this, she would leave him be. But this was an emergency.

"Love," she whispered, shaking him gently. He grunted but didn't stir. She shook him harder and raised her voice a little "Lucifer!"

He moaned and shifted slightly. "What is it?" he mumbled sleepily.

"It's time," said Lilith breathlessly. She tensed as another pain hit. "The baby – it's coming."

"What?" Lucifer mumbled, not registering what she had just said.

"The baby's coming, love !" said Lilith, louder and more urgently this time.

Something finally clicked in the fallen angel's mind and he sat bolt upright, suddenly wide awake. "The baby!" he said, looking around at her. "Are you sure?"

"Yes, I'm sure," said Lilith , breathing heavily as yet another pain shot through her. "My water broke just a few minutes ago."

Lucifer immediately started panicking. "Are you okay? Do you need anything?" He had started rambling.

"Lover, I'm fine," said Lilith , trying not to laugh at his anxiousness. "Right now, all I need is a doctor. They'll take care of everything else."

"Okay, I'll go get them," he said, kissing her on the forehead. "Just hang in there. I'll be right back." And he disappeared into the darkened hallway.


Lilith remained sitting on the bed, her legs now dangling over the edge, deeply breathing in and out. After a few 30 minutes, she heard a scurrying out in the hall before the door burst open razzle and dazzle flying through with excitement covered with donut flour, followed by Lucifer and the doctor.


Hours later.

Lilith was in intense pain, and had been for the last couple of hours. It was just after noon, so she had been in labor for more than 12 hours. Her pains were now less than a minute apart, which meant she was very close to delivering. When her contractions had gotten more intense, the doctor now bustling around, making final preparations: heating more water and laying out fresh towels and blankets.

Lucifer had kept his promise and hadn't left Lilith's side once. Due to the anxiety she herself was feeling, When his hands weren't being crushed by Lilith , he sent cold puffs of air across her face to help cool her down.

"You're doing fine, beloved, just keep breathing," lucifer said in a soothing voice. "It'll all be over soon."

"Oh, love, I've never been in so much pain in my life," she moaned. "I just want this all to be over so the pain stops."

"I know," Lucifer said, stroking her hair with one of his pleasantly cool hands. "But it'll all be worth it in the end."

Lilith tried to smile, but another pain hit, and she grimaced." FUCK!"

Just then, the midwife came over to check her progress. "I think we're just about ready," she said, and checked between her legs. "Yes, you're fully dilated." She grabbed a stool to sit on and a fresh towel to wipe the baby off. "Now, on your very next contraction, Your Highness, I need you to push. Are you ready?"

"Are you FUCKING kidding?" Lilith said, trying to inject a bit of humor. "I've been ready for the last month." But a minute later, all joking was aside as her next contraction hit. She gripped Lucifer's hand harder than ever before and pushed as hard as she could, while the midwife shouted encouragement from the end of the bed.

"That's it! Keep going! Keep going! Good girl! Good girl! There's the head! The head is out! Now, just one more big push and this baby will be here!"

Lucifer thought his hand would break as Lilith squeezed even tighter while pushing with all the strength she had left to get her baby out. She screamed and growled until suddenly, she stopped, there was silence, and then a high-pitched cry.

"It's a girl!" the midwife and the doctor shouted.

Upon hearing those words, Lilith smiled and collapsed onto the pillows, completely exhausted. She looked at Lucifer , who was smiling at her with pride.

"You did really well, love," he said. "I knew you could do it."

"Thank you so much for being here," said she, squeezing her husband's hand one last time before finally releasing it.

"You're welcome," said Lucifer, smiling again.

"You're welcome," said Lucifer, smiling again

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Razzle and dazzle made a point to land on the headboard and observe closer inspection of the new baby.

Once the baby was clean, the midwife wrapped her in a clean baby blanket and handed her to Lilith. She looked just like her mother: fair skin, and a cute little nose, but with a tuft of light blonde hair and eyes like her father's.

Lilith gazed down at her in complete wonder. How could she, have created something so beautiful and so perfect?

"Isn't she beautiful, love?" she asked, gently stroking her baby daughter's cheek.

"Well, Charlie takes after her mother," said Lucifer quietly.

Lilith looked up at him in surprise. "Oh, honey, do you really mean that?" she asked.

"Of course I mean it," he replied. "I wouldn't have said it if I didn't."

"I love you," she said, smiling at him.

"I love you, too," Lucifer said, also smiling.


With a wife like Lilith, I question the fact that Lucifer and her only had one child 😂 unless Charlie was a miracle child?

Lucifer being a nervous wreck brings me joy and let me know if I should continue with another chapter due to the fact that this chapter was originally planned to have two chapters

Further news , I'm working on three new projects, two of them involving movies and one being a new hazbin hotel fic

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