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8 year old Charlie was sitting quietly in the royal library reading a fairytale storybook when razzle and dazzle came bursting through the door.

( Charlie! Charlie ) razzle flew over to her, "guess what?"

"What?" Charlie put down her book and smiled at her bodyguard's excitement.

( "There is CHCOLATE cake in the kitchen!") Dazzle exclaimed.

"Really?" Charlie licked her lips and her mouth started to water from just thinking about it.

( "Yes! Let's go get some!") Razzle flew as fast as he could to the kitchen, ( "Come on!") dazzle comments flying behind.

" Wait for me! you two! Charlie ran after her energetic sugar high bodyguards.


The three were almost to the kitchen when they bummed into Charlie's mother. The Queen of hell laughed and smiled at their excited faces.

"Hi Momma!" The giggling Charlie.

Dazzle: baaaa ( hi )

Razzle: baaaa ( what's up )

The Queen smiled at her beautiful little girl, "Why hello, and where are you three off to," she asked, and tickled their tummies.

"We are's top secret!" Charlie exclaimed.

Lilith could tell they were up to something but she decided not to worry about it. She remembered when she and Lucifer used to do top secret err...things also.

"Oh I see," Lilith kissed each of them on the head, "Have fun,"

After Lilith walked away, they ran straight into the kitchen.


The kitchen was a very busy place and was famous for their feasts and chocolate cake. Although, the Cook made sure none of the royal family spoiled their dinner by eating sweets. The Princesses had inherited their Father's sweet tooth.

The chocolate cake sat in the very middle of the table. The cake was a beautiful dark brown and had German chocolate icing. To their dismay the chocolate cake was on the other side of the room.
Suddenly, charlie had an idea. She took her little bodyguard's hands and slowly entered the kitchen. When someone wasn't looking
Charlie, razzle and dazzle would run under a table with a tablecloth. Once they were close to the chocolate cake the they froze.

The cook was very close to the table the three were under.

Razzle looked at Charlie and put a paw over his mouth. Charlie smiled and nodded. They wait until everyone in the kitchen wasn't looking their way and raced to the dessert table.

They saw their chance and went straight for the cake. Dazzle and razzle held each side of the big platter and slowly went back their hide spot. they finally started to eat the chocolate cake. Soon the tiny goats and the princess had chocolate cake everywhere.

Baaaa ( this is good )

Baaaa ( delicious sweets )

Charlie started to giggle and soon they were in a fit of giggles.


Lucifer had heard rumors of a chocolate cake in the kitchen. He knew the cook and his wife would kill him ( not literally) if they knew he was even near the cake. He smiled he wondered where his little girl and her bodyguards had gone.

They were the mischievous bunch and never could be separated. When he was near the kitchen he could smell something cooking. He hurried to just get a glance at the cake on the far dessert table. While the cooks were busy with the oven , the King of hell made his way to the far off table. The King frowned, the cake was gone!

Suddenly he heard giggling from under the table. The King smiled and knew exactly where the cake had gone. He cleared his throat and suddenly the giggling stopped.

"Hmm...I wonder where the CHOCOLATE cake went?" The King smiled when he heard little Charlie giggling.

"Maybe it just ran away!" the King of hell started to pace from one end of the table to the next, "Maybe it's hiding!"

The King lifted the tablecloth to reveal two little flying goats and his little girl covered in chocolate cake. They both gasped and Lucifer laughed.

"I think I have found the Chocolate Cake Bandits!" he tickled their tummies.

"Do you want some Papa?" Charlie held out the once chocolate cake.

Baaa ( hi master)

Baaaa ( care to join us)

"No thank you sweetie," Lucifer notice the Cooks going back to work with tonight's dinner.

He grabbed three cupcakes and went into hiding with his daughter and her little bodyguards.
Suddenly someone lifted the tablecloth and Lilith laughed. The King had red frosting on the sides of his mouth and was covered on chocolate cake. Her daughter were in the same condition.

The King grabbed his wife and pulled her under the table with them. She laughed as he kissed her, razzle and dazzle looked away thinking it was gross.

The parents laughed and the little goats reaction. The King put his finger over his mouth and grabbed a pink cupcake and handed it to his wife. She smiled and kissed him on the cheek. Charlie hugged her momma and kissed her on the cheek. The king laughed because now everyone had chocolate and frosting on them.

The King can out from under the table and took his laughing girls with him.

"Come let's go to dinner," his said smiling.


Happy Valentine's Day

I personally loved their involvement in the pilot, the Rainbow song and really would have liked seeing some more of razzle and dazzle , even if just hanging around in the background. I love their design and their interactions and loyalty to Charlie.

Edit; Razzle has the pink hair with the red nose stripe and Dazzle has the red hair with the pink nose stripe.

Edit; Razzle has the pink hair with the red nose stripe and Dazzle has the red hair with the pink nose stripe

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