extermination day

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exorcists only being able to be killed with their own weapons is poetic/a metaphor in some way

Do you know what I love about Hazbin Hotel though? That the angels are clearly sinners too.
(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

In the past years, Charlie would head upstairs to her room to watch musicals and or be put under a sleeping spell while her parents went outside for some "entertainment with her mother's band." Now this time, 19 year old Charlie would get a chance to be with her parents.

Soon, the group walked onto the balcony that overlooked the crimson sky and dark clouds of hell.

Charlie stared out into the distance as the clock tower rang one last time.

"I don't see anything," she said. "Are we waiting for fireworks? a pony circus show? Or a rainbow to fall out of the sky?"

"Silly Charlotte," said her mother with a smile. "You're about to witness something even better than those things."

"Something that you'll gladly remember for years into your rule," her father added.

Charlie smiled wide, until seeing a speck of something in the distance. It looked like a circle of white light that slowly grew larger into the shape of a portal.

"Huh?" she asked.

Lucifer smiled. "Charlotte, welcome to your first Extermination."

A swarm of dark flying creatures burst out of the portal. The shadowy figures rained down on the city below. Charlie looked closer and could see they had black feathery wings, dark curved horns and glowing white halos on their heads. Each one carried variations of spears, harpoons and other weapons in their hands.

"What are those things?" she asked.

"They're angels," said Lilith frowned.

"Angels?" she asked. "You mean like the ones in human myths?"

"No, dear," said Lucifer, his grin wide. "These are no myths."

All of a sudden, one flew close by and Charlie reeled back in fright. The angel that glided past had an LED mask on with a large sinister grin and an x over its right eye. The angel threw the spear in his hand, and the weapon struck a dog demon in the heart. The dog let out a arf as it plummeted to the ground.

Charlie glanced down at the streets and let out a sharp gasp.


Adam watched from the skies above pentagram city as his exterminators went around and killed sinners after sinners.


Down below, demons of all shapes and sizes scattered from the onslaught of Exterminators descending on them like hungry vultures. A hydra demon with three heads was unfortunate enough to have a harpoon struck through all his heads, causing the creature to collapse. Two other angels were choking a cat demon, the creature's eye bulging. a few pack of hellhounds whined in pain as electricity from another spear struck them both in the backs.

Five hours later.

Nothing but screams, robotic laughter, and carnage. The longer she watched, the more frightened Charlie became. Soon, the rotten stench of death filled her nostrils.

She glanced back at her parents casually watching the show from their chairs like it was a fucking damn musical.

Tears sprang from Charlie's eyes.

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