Chapter. 5

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Millions died during the war that was said to be a calculated move by leadership worldwide. Thousands died after the war, they was recorded as collateral. According to U.P.E rescue reports, half of the post war generation from toddler to teens were orphans. Rosharps extend their hand to support these war orphan twenty one years ago. Decade later the program was handed over to local bodies of sectors to controlled and managed. Most of the orphanage over ran by the number and were official closed by Rosharps due to lack of resources and men power. Some of those were luck who found foster families. Others who have potential, they were official adopted by U.P.E and the rest, nobody ever know where the gone. There were speculations and whispers that U.P.E threw them in Freeland territory on God's mercy. Some faceless voices believed that the remaining war orphans were euthanized. Mira grew up herding all these stories, she was adopted by a foster family when she was six years old. Due to her breathing disorder she couldn't make it in U.P.E adoption program; and she thanks to god for that every day.

After the death of his foster parents she opened the doors of her house for those kids, whose parents were out casted by U.P.E code. They were marked RED, by the same people who were once searching for shelters. It is said that out of every five U.P.E personnel three were from adoption program. However the recruitment program in U.P.E was never closed. They recruit fresh blood throw out the year, and people joined it willingly because the perks were amazing. They have a free pass to move around with any special permissions from the authorities.

Lilly was one of those kids who was sheltered by Mira when she was two years old. Her beautiful smile and glittering green eyes made Ella fall for her, and she officially adopted Lilly at the age of three from Mira. Since then Ella was taking care of Lilly as a single mother, but she never told her about that, she was raising Lilly as her own.

Mira never had though that one day she will found Lilly like this, lying lifelessly on the bed, cold, paled and fighting for every breath. Mira stands up from the side of Lilly's bed and turns to Jack.

"We need to take her to quarter," said Mira, looking into his eyes.

"We can't, we have to wait," said Jack. ; "wait for what? Her death?" asked Mira.

Jack knows he sounds like a coward, but he had no option to stay put. He had seen these drills before, and knew the outcome.

"She will be put to death if they found her like that," said Jack, "we had to pass through, there is no other way."

Ella rushed in Lilly's room, Jack and Mira were still arguing about taking Lilly to quarter or not.

"There is a man outside my house," Ella intervened, "he was asking for you Jack."

"Is he in U.P.E uniform?" Jack asked. Waylon was the first thing that came in Jack's mind.

"No it your delivery guy, I think" Ella replied.

For a minute Jack thought the drill started and they were the hand picked first. Jack walked toward the door. He noticed that Ella covered all the window with curtains, but he can still see the glow of red light at the edges of curtains. Jack opened the door half away, peak out side with one eye. The whole street lit red. Nikko was stands facing the street, smoking a hand made cigarette from the home grown tobacco. The same stuff he was selling for number of years to every one around the sector. Jack stepped outside the house. Nikko turned towards him, dragged the last of he smoke and through the leftover in the grass and came few step closer to Jack.

"I was looking for you all over the place man," said Nikko, "The boss guy on the scan post wont let me pass."

"How did you know where to find me?" Jack asked, and eye balled the whole street from both ends.

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