Part 19:)

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Jimin then asked excitedly, "Can we go now?" Everyone else smiled and then all the Kim brothers left for a peaceful holiday.

Author pov

With the Kim brothers finally on their way to a peaceful holiday, the anticipation and excitement filled the air. As the departure day dawned, the Kim mansion buzzed with activity. Suitcases were packed, last-minute items were double-checked, and excitement filled the air. Jungkook, the youngest and most eager of them all, could barely contain his excitement as he bounced around the house, eagerly awaiting their departure.

"Hyungies, are we ready yet?" Jungkook asked for what felt like the hundredth time, his eyes shining with anticipation.

Yoongi, with his trademark calm demeanor, nodded in affirmation. "Almost, Kook. Just a few more things to take care of, and then we'll be on our way."

Jin, the ever-organized eldest brother, made sure everyone had their passports and boarding passes in hand before herding them out the door. "Alright, boys, time to go. Let's not keep the plane waiting."

With a chorus of excited chatter, they piled into the waiting car and made their way to the airport. Jungkook pressed his face against the window, taking in the sights with wide eyes as they drove through the bustling city streets.

As the car journey progressed, Jin couldn't resist the urge to inject some humor into the atmosphere with his trademark dad jokes.

"Hey, why don't skeletons fight each other?" Jin's voice cut through the chatter, prompting Yoongi to let out an audible groan. "Here we go again," he muttered, earning a playful eye roll from Jin.

Ignoring Yoongi's protest, Jin continued with his joke. "Because they don't have the guts!" he delivered the punchline with a grin, causing Jungkook to burst into laughter.

"Hyung, you're so funny!" Jungkook exclaimed, his eyes sparkling with amusement.

Jin chuckled, reaching over to tousle Jungkook's hair affectionately. "Well, someone appreciates my sense of humor, jungkookie you know that's why you are my favorite unlike someone," he teased, casting a playful glance in Yoongi's direction.

Yoongi rolled his eyes in mock exasperation. "You're incorrigible, hyung," he quipped, earning a playful swat on the arm from Jin. "Watch it, brat," Jin shot back with a grin, the banter between them light and affectionate.

Meanwhile, Namjoon and Hobi engaged in a debate over whether visiting a museum or an amusement park would be the better choice for their first outing in Hawaii.

"I think we should start with a museum," Namjoon argued, adjusting his glasses with a thoughtful expression. "It's important to learn about the history and culture of the place we're visiting."

(typical joon)

Hobi made a face and said, "But think about all the fun we could have at an amusement park! We'll make memories that will last a lifetime."

(typical hobi as well)

Their debate continued back and forth, each brother passionately defending their chosen option. But despite their differing opinions, there was no denying the underlying sense of excitement and anticipation that united them all as they looked forward to their holiday in Hawaii.

"Taehyung, I can't believe you forgot to bring the sunscreen," Jimin said, shooting Taehyung an accusing glare.

Taehyung chuckled sheepishly, scratching the back of his head. "Hey, at least I remembered to bring the snacks. We can't survive without snacks," he retorted, holding up a bag of chips triumphantly.

Jimin wrinkled his nose in mock disgust. "Ugh, TaeTae, those snacks are terrible for you. We need something healthier," he argued, reaching into his bag to pull out a container of sliced fruit.

Taehyung made a face, but he couldn't deny the logic of Jimin's argument. "Fine, but you're carrying the heavy bag," he relented, grinning mischievously as he handed the snacks over to Jimin.

Jimin accepted the snacks with a smirk, knowing he had won this round of their playful banter. "Deal, but don't come crying to me when you get sunburnt," he teased, earning a playful shove from Taehyung.

As the playful banter and bickering filled the car, Yoongi couldn't help but interject with a characteristic touch of sarcasm.

"I think these idiots forgot they have enough money to buy a new sunscreen," he quipped, his tone dry and cutting.

As the car journey to the airport progressed, Jungkook's curiosity about the upcoming trip manifested in practical questions about the logistics.

"Hyungs, how much longer until we reach the airport?" Jungkook inquired, his voice tinged with anticipation.

Hoseok, who had been keeping track of the time, glanced at his watch before answering with a playful smile. "Kookie, this is the 50th time you've asked that question," he teased, earning a chuckle from the others.

Jungkook grinned sheepishly, but his curiosity remained undeterred. "Sorry, hyung. I'm just excited," he replied, his eyes darting eagerly out the window as if hoping to catch a glimpse of the airport in the distance.

Namjoon, checked his phone for the flight details before answering Jungkook's next question. "We still have about 30 minutes until we reach the airport, and our flight is scheduled to depart in three hours," he informed the group, his tone calm and reassuring.

Jungkook nodded, processing the information before his mind moved on to the next question. "How long is the flight to Hawaii?" he asked, his curiosity piqued by the prospect of a long journey ahead.

Yoongi, who had been dozing off in the corner, roused himself to answer Jungkook's query. "It's about a nine-hour flight, give or take," he replied, his tone groggy from sleep.

Jungkook's eyes widened in amazement at the thought of spending so many hours on a plane. "Nine hours? That's so long!" he exclaimed, his excitement tinged with a hint of apprehension.


Hi guys, First of all I am realllllyyyyyy sorrryyy. I know its been very long since I last updated almost a year. I was and still am really busy, how ironic now my year 11 exams are gonna start. Last year there were only 3 subjects and it was really hectic but this time its 6 subjects. 

Thank you to those who sent amazing heartfelt wishes and motivational messages I was able to get 3A*s last year. 

I still cannot promise you guys a regular update as my MOCKs are gonna start in 10 days. I was not able to study today so I started writing this story. 
This part is just a compensation I might change it later.
No proofreading done
Once again sorry and thank you so much for liking this story. I can't belive it has over 54.4K reads and 1K votes. Once again thank you so much.

I am missing Bangtan a lot these days. Hopefully they will complete their military service without any problems.

What do you think will happen next?

Hope u will like it:)💜💜💜

Please vote and comment!💞

Sorry for the mistakes:)


please write alot of comments they always motivate me 

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 10 ⏰

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